This is the original samsung galaxy watch, which is now associated by the galaxy watch three year. The glass of water tree here comes with a higher storage capacity and has more health tracking features. Meanwhile, this is still one of the best smart watches to buy in 2020. As far as i am concerned in this video i’m going to talk about a design, the fitness tracking features, media notifications and battery life of the samsung galaxy watch i’m. Going to emphatically tell you everything that i know about this smartwatch if it is even worth buying. In 2020 i’m going to talk about that, but before that please, if you’re new to this channel, please click on the subscribe button and, of course, on the notification bell next to it to get updates from me. Whenever i upload a video like this all right, let’s start with the design of the galaxy watch. If there is one thing that i don’t like about, the galaxy watch is that it is quite bulky. This is 46mm. The galaxy watch here, as you can see, is available in two sizes, 46mm and 42mm. This is the 46mm size and each of these sizes is also available in the ltl lte model and, of course, in the bluetooth only model. This is the bluetooth model of the samsung galaxy watch. Now it is anything i don’t like about. The smartwatch is the size. It is quite um, it is bulky, it is thick at 10 mm and it is heavy okay.

So if you have 18 race like i do, this might not be the perfect smartphone for you. Perhaps the 42mm might be a more befitting smartwatch. For you, however, the samsung galaxy watch has a very durable and sturdy view. It has a case made of stainless steel, and the glass here is covered by conan gorilla dx. This is very durable and the clarity is top notch now i’m. Talking about the button the bottom is made of. This is um thermoplastic. Why the bezel here the physical resetting bezel, is made of ceramics, so this leaves the samsung galaxy watch with a very attractive and sophisticated appearance, so this smartwatch is very durable and sturdy. The display here measures 1.3 inches and this is powered by amoled. The galaxy watch here is easy to read outdoor okay, even under the sunlight. It is not the best experience, but, however, it is still easy to read so the galaxy watcher has a decent and nice display i’m talking about navigation. The the galaxy watch here has a physical rotating bezel. As you can see, this allows you to find information that matters most to you easily. It has two physical buttons and the torch sensitive um display screen makes it easy for you to access this device. Now, when you talk about the interface, the interface of the galaxy watch is very nice. I mean when you swipe left you get to see. We swipe right. Sorry, you get to see your list of notifications and when you swipe right, you get to see your list of wickets.

There are 15. We get that. I can add at a time a much more 15 week case that i can add at the time to the samsung galaxy watch, and this makes it easier for you to find those informations that matters most to you pressing the power button. Yeah. Sorry i didn’t mention about this. This is the back button and this is the um power button and as well the home button. When you press this, it takes you to the list of apps it’s, a list of apps on the galaxy watch. When you swipe through you can just find that an app that matters most to you, swiping down, you get to see the quick panel. This is the quick final session, and this can house a much more of 21 settings at a time, so this makes it easy for you to find those informations that matters most to you. This is the always on display mode. This is the do not display. This is the um sleep mode and all that there is also the theater mode here and airplane mode, and all that this is the water eject mode which can allow you to remove um water from the galaxy watch when it has come in contact with water. So the classic water has a very neat interface. That makes it easy for you to find those information that matters most to you. I’M. Talking about the watch face. The watch face of the galaxy watch is very easy for you to change.

If you want to change this watch face just need to tap on it and hold for some couple of seconds, and then you can swipe through and choose that watch face that you want to choose. So and again i almost mentioned that you can install watch faces directly from legalizing watch here as long as it is connected. This is the bluetooth model. If it is connected to your phone, you can install watch faces directly from the samsung galaxy watch. You can also install apps yeah and if you tap on the list of apps here, you get to see the samsung galaxy s4 app, which is here. Okay with the samsung glasses glasses, store app on the samsung galaxy watch you can easily install watch faces. You can install apps and all that from the smartwatch let’s talk about what this smartwatch can track in terms of fitness tracking features. Big samsung glasses watch here tracks my steps. As you can see. I have it’s 171 steps. It tracks my um calories. It counts the floors i’ve clamped and it trusts my distance coverage in those term windows, some steps that i’ve taken and all that, and it also tracks my sleep and my heart rate. Okay, when i wore this to sleep last night, it did track my sleep and this, as you can see here, i slept for six hours and 20 minutes. I like the fat at the glass of water trust my sleep in two sections.

So if you sleep and wake up for a brief in the middle of the night, the samsung galaxy watcher is able to take that break and it will track. It has a different sleep record. It attracts yours, your heart rate. It trusts your heart rate, your resting heart rate, your maximum heart rate and then your heart rate range. Now, as you can see here, this is my heart rate. My current outreach right now this is the resting heart rate and we have the um. The heart rate range for today. It also shows you a range of your heart rate. You can customize this to track your heart rate manually intermittently or continuously. There is also the stress app as you can see here. This can allow you to manage stress if you feel stressed, and then talking about the inbuilt gps. The samsung galaxy watch here has an inbuilt gps and with inbound gps and a samsung galaxy watch here, you can um track your outdoor workout activities like your routes like your distance locations, and all that i, like the fact that, while i, when i’m running with the Samsung galaxy watch here it tends to um um. Tell me my heart rate when i’ve reached, like one kilometer in time, to talk about it, and you can view your route after working out directly from the samsung galaxy watch here. Okay – and it shows my maximum heart rate, my average cadence, my average speed, my average pace and all that total duration.

So this is a very nice smart watch if you want to track your routes and all that, while running and doing other activities that you do actors. So the glassy watch here also feature ‘ sport modes. Okay, so this gives you more options to choose that spot mode. That interests you the most. So this is a decent fitness smartwatch. As far as being a lifestyle smartwatch now talk about um, the media features of the samsung galaxy watch, the galaxy wheelchair has a microphone and a loud speaker, and you can make calls directly from the galaxy watch. You can also add your personal music easily from the samsung um from the samsung galaxy wearable app from here you can add contents to the galaxy watch here. As you can see, you can easily add content to the galaxy world from the samsung galaxy variable app. There is also bizby that allows you to use your voice to do simple tasks like setting up alarm, checking the weather and all that. So this does a good job as far as media and music storage features is consigned. Let’S talk about managing your notifications. The galaxy watch here allows you to manage notifications. As you can see here, you can reply to notifications, for instance this notification. I just received right now you can reply with your voice. You can reply with emojis and you can reply with research replies down here. So if you want to type a reply to this particular message, i’m going to tap on this – and i just have my reply – so the samsung galaxy watch here – allows you to effortlessly manage notifications.

You receive on this smart watch, so let’s talk about the battery life of the samsung galaxy watch. When i tested the galaxy watch with 30 minutes of outdoor workouts daily, i got approximately about three days plus of battery life from the samsung galaxy watch. So this smartwatch allows you to go multiple days from a single charge and i like the fact that, with the batteries saving options here, you can actually elongate the battery life of the samsung galaxy watch. There is also samsung pay that allows you to make payments with the samsung galaxy watch, but this feature is not available in every country of the world. So when you talk about the samsung galaxy watch, is this a worldwide smartwatch to buy in 2020? I would say absolutely yes and the only aspect where the galactic war 3 is better than the galaxy watching is that it has a higher storage capacity and it features ecg, blood pressure, blood, oxygen monitoring and then the new running um coach, which the galaxy watcher likes. However, this, for me, is a fantastic smartwatch. I mean this one smartwatch is very durable, it’s, very sturdy. It can also help you manage your fitness goals, effortlessly you guys for taking our time to watch this video until next time.

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