RUNDOING Q9 Smartwatch Buying Link (Rundoing on AliExpress):
Special $10.00 Coupon (Normail price $29.99, coupon $10, and final price $19.99) – – Follow procedures outlined below: Valid 1/22/2019 through 2/11/2019

This Q9 smartwatch has been provided by Rundoing for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Rundoing for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this Q9 smartwatch, please use the link listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!

Tethering app:
H BAND 2.0 –

Other reviews of this app:
H Band 2.0: B30 –
H Band 2.0: M4 –
H Band 2.0: M7 –
H Band 2.0: V08 –

This watch brings yet another facet to biometric reporting to the smartwatch world specifically targeted for women and couples doing family planning. Together with the original H Band app (now updated) you can be informed about intelligent predictive period start dates, family planning safety times, and intelligent predictive ovulation time. The computations are incorporated in the app and pushed to the watch as appropriate.

Besides this time tracking capability, the Q9 features the standard pedometer and sports recording, heart rate and blood pressure measurements along with sleep tracking. It’s a beautiful watch available in a variety of colors, and can work for either a woman’s or man’s wrist.

NOTE: When this review was prepared the smartwatch was known as the “Q8 Professional” but was subsequently changed to the Q9, which is what you look for in the App when tethering.

Here’s how to order:

First log into your AliExpress account. Then go to the coupon page:

Click on Get Coupon Now, then click on the link to the Q9 smartwatch from their store:

Click Add to Shopping Cart and then View Shopping Cart.

Click “Buy from this Seller” and you’ll get a page to finalize you sale. In the bottom right there should be your $10 coupon listed.

Click Confirm and Pay

Important Notices for Blood Pressure Reading Devices –
BIOMETRIC MEASUREMENT WARNING: This device claims to read Blood Pressure without using a cuff to measure actual Blood Pressure directly. The accuracy of the readings HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED and MAY NOT BE ACCURATE. As such, you are advised to proceed with caution and to *NOT* rely upon Blood Pressure readings from this or any similar devices for making decisions regarding your medical condition or health. Fitness/Health watches/bands offering biometric measurements such as heart rate, Blood Pressure, blood oxygen, fatigue, breath rate, etc., should be considered supplemental to seeking true and accurate readings taken under optimal conditions by trained professionals using accurate, calibrated equipment. If you feel concerned about your health, do not self-diagnose, especially from using inexpensive, uncalibrated non-medical wearable devices such as this one. Seek proper medical advice. Enjoy your new toy, but remember, it is a toy.

SMARTWATCH RESOURCE CENTER: Compare Android watch features and specs, look up the appropriate tethering app for many different watches, check out various recommended apps for Android smartwatches, see common Android watch FAQs, and more. Visit the updated DTNO.1 Sponsored “Smartwatch Resource Center” here:
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