com. You know. Usually, these videos are timeless, as you can tell, if you look at some of the older ones they last for years and they're still relevant in their time frame and in the future. Well, sometimes we have to talk about current events, and this is one of those times this band that's inside this box. Wait till you see this it's really nice, especially the packaging and the way it's been put together with the documents that go along with it. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus I'm sure you guys now and in the future know all about that we're in the thick of it right now and it's adversely affected several different companies, particularly in China and Basel, and happens to be one of them. You'Re about to see a look, not a review, but an overall look at the Basel and b31 blood oxygen monitor SmartWatch. This is right from their website and they happen to be one of the few Chinese companies. That also has a presence in global scale through Amazon and their HRV active tracker watch, which is this particular unit, is available through Amazon, while stock last s', because you see they just had to inform me they're calling off our collaboration on this one and the review. I was gon na do for it, because it's not they've had to pull it off the market. Well, I guess they're gon na sell the stock that they still have, but because of the situation in China, they haven't been able to keep up with it.

Keep it going, which is really unfortunate because it's an amazing thing you're about to see these are the specs that go along with it, but this just tells the basic overview. What really is fun is when you get deep into what it can do for that. I am going to show you a little bit gon na open up the box and show you that when you get in here, you get a basic instruction manual and you get this. They booklet, a really wonderful booklet that goes into sleep, apnea, heart rate variability and integrated with this band, how it all works inside the box when you pull up the tab with these fun looking little holes and things in here, you find that each one of them Dives down into a piece of the equipment here's a part of the band green on the inside, and this is the other half of the band, and you can tell that they basically snap on to the module, which is right here and it's, got a little cover. We could pull off so when you get it it's electric you you'd, have this and you'd be able to put it all together and, of course, you plug that into a USB and charge it and now I'm getting into a review, which is not what I'm here To do I'm here mostly to go into this one. We want to talk a little bit about these more advanced bands and this isn't, the only one, the SPO V and Blade and a few others that we've reviewed, SPO van blade and sorry.

I always mispronounce that do similar things to what this one does, and they all involve these concepts. So what I'm gon na do in this little video? In addition to letting you know, the Basel on b31 is out there it's available on their website, which I'll have links for and through Amazon, while stock last s'. And I got a feeling: if you guys know about it and if you're interested in it – and you guys, buy these from them, then they may have the working capital they need to keep going. Just they've had a huge setback, as many people have because of the interruption from China. So let's take a look at this booklet, I'm gon na page through this and pause on the pages. So you can actually read it on the screen, while I'm talking, you could freeze, frame it and read it at your leisure. One of the things they want to drive home to you is the importance of your brain getting oxygen and the introduction basically talks about how important your overall brain oxygen level is for health all the way around. And if you don't get oxygen to your brain and a proper amount, it can really cause some serious problems and chronic hypoxia is one of the diseases. They say that is related to high blood pressure, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke and myocardial, cardio infraction and I'm sure a whole lot more, and so the thrust here is to first help.

You have awareness of the fact that you may have. We all could have situations where our blood oxygen drops lower than 94, often simply by holding our breath, and that can happen at night, while we're, asleep and that's. Basically the thrust of sleep apnea, and so here they go into discussion about sleep apnea itself. What it is how it can happen and symptoms that you'll see so check yourself. Are you waking up with insomnia waking up with insomnia, that's kind of an oxymoron right? Do you have insomnia, not turia sleep disruption? Tossing and turning? Are you scared by your own snoring sound? Are you aware of your own snoring sound? Would it be incredible if you had a band that could wake you up with a vibration and you'll notice that long sudden, inhaling snoring sound that you might have well this one? Can do that high risk groups, people who have risk of having their blood oxygen too low at night that could affect your brain health, your heart health, all of your health, are snores. First of all, if you know you snore, if the person beside you knows you snore or if you know the person beside you, snores that's an indicator, people with obesity or short neck people with alert she issues or nasal deviated, septum type thing of conditions, smokers, alcoholics Or high use people, people taking sedatives and so on. You can read the list there if you feel you may fall into that grouping.

If you have these kind of symptoms, then you may want to work with sleep apnea, first of all awareness and, secondly, improvement. So how do you improve condition then well? Weight loss is important, abstinence from bad things that could be affecting you like drinking excessively and then smoking having a balanced diet. I mean common stuff, preventing your nose allergies and changing your sleep positions now. This was interesting. I didn't know about this, but you can strap a couple of what you call it tennis balls inside of socks on your back. So if you roll over in the night on your back, it's gon na be uncomfortable and you'll be wanting to sleep on your side. So you can condition yourself to sleep more often on your side than on your back, because that's, typically when you're gon na see this most often okay. Now we get into some color pictures of their particular product to b31. It generates an exclusive health report. Daily I'll show you last night's report in just a moment of what I got: sleep, quality, monitoring and then heart rate variability so now we're getting into beyond sleep apnea into HRV. So basically, what is heart rate variability? The easiest way I can explain it and I'll hold this still, so you can freeze frame it and read it there. Now, when your heart beats, it beats regularly. Let'S, say 60 beats per minute. That would be one beat per second right exactly now, if that's exact, then you have basically zero heart rate variability, the rate being 60 beats per second, the variability being the timing between beats.

If you have a higher rate of a variability between the beach actually in a healthier condition, and so what we're monitoring is overall heart rate variability on the long term, okay measurement taken at night between midnight and 700 a.m. to produce a graph called the Lorenz scatter Plot or scatter diagram that shows dots representative of how you deviate from what would be a predicted normal, no variation whatsoever between your beats and the pattern of those dots in that diagram can be indicative of a whole variety of different heart issues. That could be up for you, so really advanced science going on here when you really start to dive into heart rate variability. So why does it allow you to see abnormalities in the body? It discusses that here and measurement techniques and significant of heart rate, variability, dynamic, numerical of HRV and the body and so forth. Again let you read that and here's that Lorenz scatter diagram. I was talking about like this. You see these different down at the bottom. In the app itself, it shows you different patterns and what they may mean and your overall night time heart rate variability there, and it only does it at night, while you're wearing the band, while you're sleeping so in addition to a accessing and checking how well you're Sleeping deep sleep versus light, sleep and so forth, you're also getting heart rate variability and a big part of that comes from the fact that this uses red diodes.

In addition to the green diodes in the back of the band and those red diodes penetrate in a different way that allows a much more accurate blood oxygen reading and your heart rate variability is all coming together between heart rate and blood oxygen, very, very detailed science. Okay in depth, applications of it and oh did I hold it still for you. There you go okay and then it gets into how you can improve your overall heart rate variability and, as you would figure, increasing exercise is important, but they do make the distinction that it's more important to have a higher frequency of training than it is to have Higher intensity, so you're gon na do better. If you exercise five days a week to a moderate level, then if you do one or two three times a week to an intense level, at least as far as heart rate, variability goes, supplementing your nutrition make sure you're reducing inflammation and often times, sugars and carbs, And things like that will add to circulation issues which can overall add to decrease in heart rate, variability in addition to sleep apnea. It all goes together. You know what you should do and the ban was cool, as you can get a baseline, where you are right. Now and whatever habits you've got um and see changes over time. As you modify different aspects of your life condition, you can improve your sleep quality with all of this stuff as well and again having the a band that has the ability to notice when your blood oxygen has dropped below a tolerable threshold like 94 to 97 percent, And literally vibrate minded last night scares the bed.

But what can I say legally haha on YouTube that isn't a bad word. It scares the curve, the it shocks you it shocks you when you suddenly first feel your arm, vibrating and, secondly, recognize that you haven't been breathing, really freaky a prove improve your aerobic cardio endurance. If you do that, that's gon na help your HRV and addressed in your schedule, this is that mindfulness you don't need to like really go hardcore at least not right away. But if you balance the same amount of rest time, just sedentary quiet, you mind, quiet your body rest in your schedule as you do. The improved aerobic cardio time balance between both of those will help out a lot so that's HRV and then finally a little bit about blood oxygen, because that all goes together with this and you get readings on that too. Why should you monitor real time vo? Every second that's blood oxygen guys not Bo in the classic terms. Well, it goes into all of that stuff and by the way, the band itself it's not doing it every second, maybe when you're in the mode, where you're actually looking at it you're getting it every second, but when you're doing that nighttime test it it because of The battery life considerations, it doesn't test every 10 minutes but you're asleep, and that usually will catch it if you're going into snoring or sleep apnea condition once every 10 minutes there are some devices we've reviewed.

That are more frequent. Ask me about it in the comments. If you'd like to know, we can refer you to the video reviews of those devices, one of them, you wear on your finger, remember that, but generally most all of these bands will do it about once every 10 minutes between midnight and 700 a.m. okay. We got enough about that blood oxygen mm. Hmm level of apnea syndrome is judged as follows. In terms of how many times you have a sleep apnea in a condition under five is okay. It'S mild moderate is getting up there between 5 to 15 and if you are seriously having interrupted sleep from sleep, apnea do check it out. Okay, meet with your medical professional use this tool as a possible information gathering node, but definitely work with your two trained professional. On how you should address it for your overall life, because it's way more than just an annoyance low blood oxygen in the brain can have serious impacts lifelong if we don't keep it under control. So these are some of the charts. You'Re gon na see just a moment. Eight different medical reports per day produced by the band. Again, I really like their presentation, it's a shame. They'Re not coming to market with this product. Maybe they'll revise it. Is this whole virus scare dies down and we'll even have more capabilities like ECG added to it or something? But in the meantime you can view your HRV changes with Lauren's scatter diagram or minute by minute or every 10 minute, actual HRV numbers and it's a pretty colorful fun little band, which, when we get to review it, I'll turn it on and show you the blood Oxygen report looks like this.

The little dots at the bottom are when your blood oxygen is dropping down to low as it monitors it, and it sees these thresholds being that one for sure it would send a vibration to your wrist it's too, quick high intensity vibrations. When you look at the watch, you see this big red blood drop flashing at you. You know something's up and if you know what you did when, why you put it on then you'll know. Oh my I'm, having an apnea situation: okay, yeah, a serious illness prevention believe way: okay, early examination early to the doctor and set the family at ease by making sure you're on top of your best health ever hey, discover the risk vibrate to remind that's what I'm Talking about when it'll, let you know and again interpreting these different assessments that you may not be able to read these as a medical, professional but there's a a I kind of a thing in here that gives you a report of four different conditions. I'Ll show you that in just a second and five stars is the best and sometimes you can get lower and it changes night tonight as well all right, it's, the b31. They say and that's their booklet. So what does it all look like on the app now? A cool thing is, you can either pair to the H band app or the H band 2.0 they're tracking them, both close together with firmware updates, so either one actually works so right now, I'm, paired to the H band 2.

0, but it's currently disconnected, which is really Cool you could transfer your data from the band to the app and then just run off with the app and have all your data on here today yesterday, two days ago, whatever you want so here we go had some steps so far on the band here was Last night's sleep information, and it gives you a really nice overall synopsis of the sleep again between like 700 midnight and 700 a.m. is, when it's really doing its work in terms of the heart rate. Now you get in here and we've got the overall cumulative heart rate taken every half hour and here's when I'm not wearing it here's when I was wearing it. So it attempts to take that every half hour, no blood pressure data on this particular band. It doesn't do that function, we do have heart rate variability, and this is what I was talking about: here's the overall HRV chart and boy. Is it jumping all over the place? Here is last night's, Lauren's scattered diagram, and it can be compared with what it should. Look like or could look like on these different charts. You see those now I don't know it's kind of looking like a dub but it's elongated with a lot of dots at the bottom. So it probably is a comet there's, a torpedo. It looks more or less like that, but it's got a couple of areas where it's it's a lot of them are together.

This is like solid, I don't know I don't know interesting plot, but what you do is you get one of these every single morning when you wake up, you can check it out or if you don't get until the afternoon that's fine, just as long as you've Transferred the data it's in the app over here you have the actual HRV data. If you want to look at the specifics itself here, I was getting up so I'm having a higher heart rate variability just simply because I'm awake, but look at the variety in my HRV throughout the night very in interesting, and you see it's happening every 10 minutes. It takes that reading that generates a plot on the chart and that's what you're looking at and then the infamous blood oxygen with the sleep apnea here's the overall chart. You can see that a little after I went to sleep, I hit my threshold that's when I got the vibration that woke me up and caused me to take a breath under 7. They'Re saying now it used to be under 5 was good. They want you to at least be under 7. The question marks will give you a lot of detail on all of this within the app itself, so good reading their total blood oxygen concentration, information and it can even calculate your respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute. Reference value 18 to 26, so I'm breathing slower at a slower rate than is normal.

I don't that's a good thing or a bad thing. I would think it's a good thing, but anyway it's another piece of information and my hypoxia time is zero and a reference value is under 20 times per minute I'm getting in at zero. So that should be pretty good. I got cardiac load. I got range of sleeping activity and all kinds of stuff, and this is where you turn on the hypoxia what's disconnected when you're connected to the man. You send the signal to the band that tell it to monitor that period between midnight and 700. So if you get one of these makes sure you drive yourself all the way down from the top into the blood oxygen and activate the switch where it says: hypoxia and arousal. Otherwise, it's not going to give you all that data an ECG. Now this particular band does not record ECG it doesn't have the circuitry. There are other ones that we have reviewed. The SPO v'n blade is my favorite out of them. That includes ECG, as well as everything you just saw and there's other ones that do that, and and more you also, if you're logged in as a female can track your cycle. Information in this app really really robust each band a pour each man and great reporting of the data that you accumulate. All we need is for the watch band to be available right. Well, so one more time, just let you know that, while they last I'll literally say that while they still have stock on hand of the ones that they've produced the Basel NB 31 blood oxygen, monitor, SmartWatch could be available for you check the website at our listing.

It at 70 bucks basically and over on Amazon, I believe it's 58 dollars – is that the same one yep looks like it's exactly the same and getting its ball Boozman and through Amazon. Of course, you can buy it directly if you're in the US or wherever you can have access to Amazon in your country. If it's listed there for you all right, well, that's it we're, hoping to goodness that the results of the coronavirus subside and it allows the factory workers to get back and continue producing these fine products and innovating future ones. In the meantime, one company that's kind of taken a bit of a hit, is boazlin and their product that they're just ready to really bring forward. With all this beautiful background information, the b31 is in suspense right now they do have stock on hand when it says it sold out well. We'Ll just have to hope that they'll be back in stock. You'Ve been watching, Smart Watch sticks and we appreciate your subscription and telling your friends, especially your elderly friends. Our demographics don't show that a lot of seniors watch this technical stuff it doesn't, have to be technical folks. You can have them just simply: wear it and walk in with your phone visiting grandpa grandma, connecting to the band suck out all of the data review, their Lawrence plots and look at their sleep, apnea data, and they don't even need to eat push a button on It so yeah, it serves multiple purposes for those that are knowledgeable, and it also can be used for those that aren't just overall improving your health and your family.


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