ZEBLAZE NEO Official Buying link (Aliexpress):
ZEBLAZE NEO Buying link (Banggood): ( $39.99 coupon code: BGNEO )
Learn more about about Zeblaze: and zeblaze.com
This NEO smartwatch has been provided by ZEBLAZE and supported by Banggood for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to ZEBLAZE and Banggood for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this NEO smartwatch, please use the links listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
Tethering app:
H BAND 2.0 –
Other reviews of this app:
H Band 2.0: B30 –
H Band 2.0: M4 –
H Band 2.0: M7 –
H Band 2.0: V08 –
The Zeblaze NEO is built for the fashion conscious market with a zinc alloy body and hybrid leather straps.It has a carbon fiber back which looks great. You’ll be proud to wear this watch. This video will go over the various functions typically found of sport fitness wearables. I will add that Zeblaze is sending mixed signals with this one. The claim is IP67 water resistance, which, according to the formal specification, means the device can be submerged up to one meter in water for up to 30 minutes and be expected to survive. Yet the product literature states “Pls do not wear it when taking a shower or go swimming & do not press any buttons under water”. Showering, especially with warm or hot water, is a bad idea for any watch. Swimming an put added movement pressure on a watch and is risky for anything rated under 5ATM. Use your own judgement about getting it wet in the sink or a drop in the toilet.
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