This is the wise watch 44 and the wise watch 47, so we’re gon na unbox these things and give you guys a good look at them. Music! Well, hey guys juan here, thanks for stopping by my channel and checking out this video, so i’m excited to dive into today’s unboxing video of wise’s new smart watch now i’ve been using the oi watch from apple here so i’m excited to see how these compare and Just by judging on the box eye right here, they look pretty similar to the apple watch. So now wise did come out with two different versions here: two different sizes: this one here is the 47 wise watch 47. This one’s the wise watch, 47 44.. As you can see, they, they made some different branding on the packages here. This one’s a more of a long shaped one kind like what apple sends out whenever they um. Whenever you buy a brand new apple watch. This one here is more condensed in of a square box, but um just to kind of give you a look here. It does keep track of your sleeping here. The custom it’s got customizable screens. The watch is waterproof: women’s health tracking activity, heart rate tracking and blood oxygen levels. It tracks that all as well let’s go ahead and unbox these and get a good look at them. Okay, so here’s the wise watch 44. As far as what’s inside the box, i’ll give you a quick start guide.
The packaging looks pretty professional on these charge to activate so here’s. The 44 let’s go ahead and get the 47 out of the box and then we’ll go ahead and open it up too. So that way, you get a good look at how wide these things are compared to each other, all right so the 44 and the 47. This gives you a little bit of a size difference between the two um. This one here is more of a smaller size. Let’S peel that off and then that’s more of a bigger size there now let’s compare it to the all right, so this just gives you a little bit of a comparison on the apple watch. Now this apple watch here is the bigger one of the two different sizes of apple watch that they offer and judging it right here, it’s, the wise watch is a little bit bigger than the bigger size apple watch. The wise watch 44 looks like it’s pretty similar to the same size as the bigger apple watch, so so these have some bigger size screens on them for being an apple watch, now putting it on a wrist like wrist like that. This is what the bigger one would look like and put it on your wrist here. This is what the smaller band would look like now, just at first glance here i do see that i can see where the screen would end and it looks like it does have a black bar at the bottom, black bar at the top on the back side.
Here this is where your sensors are, and on the back side of the watch 47, your sensors are on the back right there. Okay, as far as the charging cables go on both of the charging cables for either watch, they are exactly the same. They’Ve got these ports on the back here. That would connect to your watch to charge it up. Okay. So, when charging up your smart watch here, you’ll notice that this is a usb and on this side, here’s the charging port you’ll just take a regular 5 watt. Like any type of adapter that plugs into the usb that goes into the wall outlet, like maybe an old iphone or fire stick or some type of device, you can find one of those square type adapters to plug that into okay. So i have one end there charging into the wall, but this gives you a little bit of a look at how to charge it if you notice it won’t attach this way, but if i flip the cable over it automatically attaches like so so there’s only one Way to really put that on, i won’t do it this way the magnets bounce off of it, but then it attaches just like so so that’s how you you start to charge it and as soon as i started charging it, the watch came on right here to Scan the qr code with the wise app to get it all paired up on your yzap on your smartphone.
Now, on the quick start guide, it says it gives you a qr code of where you can scan that to get the wise app or you can just search wise app. What you’ll do is you’ll add a new device. You’Ll go through all the prompts of signing up for account if you don’t have one and then you’ll select, which wise band that you have whether the 44 or 47 you’ll enter in. That number that’ll confirm the pairing and then pretty much just go through all the prompts of uh setting up your wise band. Okay, so that here it is. This is a first look at the wise band. What i’m gon na do is i’m gon na this is just the unboxing video. I am gon na. Do a review video of wearing these things after a week to kind of give you guys my full thoughts on if these bands are worth the price or if you should just bypass it, go on to something else, or maybe this might be the particular smart watch For you so stay tuned for that video, but if this unboxing video was helpful to you and knowing a little bit more about it, go ahead and throw a thumbs up on it, go ahead and subscribe to my channel. I make tech videos all the time and i would love to have you back in the next one.