com. We do all kinds of wearables here and today we're going to do something that i got to be honest with. You is not a wearable yeah, but it's it's in alignment with our channel, because uh one of the things that we do is review, watches that profess to uh check your sleep at night. They have sleep monitoring capability, but how accurate is it? And what exactly do you find out? We'Ve seen so many different apps that show you everything from light sleep and deep sleep and awake times, and some of them have rem sleeping and then they get even more esoteric as you get into the health bands. Well, we're. Gon na take a look at something that's straight from the. This is too good to be true department from a company, i'm sure, you've heard of with things yeah. They make all kinds of medical grade equipment that you can buy at cvs and places like that. Well, this is called a sleep tracking mat it's, something you slip under your mattress, yeah we're, going to see this to believe it we're just calling it sleep. This is straight from their website. Uh it's about a hundred bucks, or so sometimes you can get it on sale. If i've got a coupon for you, i'll put it in there and yeah it's a little pad that you put under your mattress between your mattress and your box springs. Why so that you can find out about your sleep now there's, nothing to wear now.
I know what you're thinking i mean. No, you can't leave your pajamas behind you. You still do that, but there's nothing to wear on your arm or your leg or your head or anyplace else on your body to pick up the signals. This thing is going to do it all on its own. You see it right there stuck under the bed. Now, what you do get is information that's going to be transferred by wi fi. I believe bluetooth, wi fi, some signal there's no hook up to it directly to your phone there's, an app on your phone you're, going to see the normal things. We usually see. These bar charts that show you your awake time, your sleep time, your rim, sleep, you know when you're dreaming, all of that kind of stuff and something new. This thing is now set up to even detect. Breathing disturbances and we've talked about that using some fitness health bands that will actually monitor, monitor your blood oxygen level from the blood. You know, shooting the diodes into your your finger with a finger probe or your wrist. If you've got a watch on and detect sleep apnea well, this will be able to detect breathing disturbances directly from the mat and show that on and out yeah really exciting stuff. So it's called the sleep from withings, and here it is in its big box. Let'S see what we've got advanced, seamless, um, tracking sleep cycle, monitoring, heart rate, tracking snore detection, automatic syncing via wi, fi and again nothing to wear except your pajamas got ta.
Wear your pajamas activate the home automatic scene with ifttt that you ever heard of that it means if this, then that so, if you climb into bed – and it tells that you went into bed, then that could be to dim your lights or to turn on the Heat and your thermostat, if you get out of bed to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water, it could bring your lights up to a certain level, it's part of that home, automation, stuff, so that's kind of an added bonus to all of the Stuff you get to all right, i'll open the box. I can hear you guys wow. Oh i got ta get my slitter for this one. Look they're, sealed i've noticed that some of you guys get so frustrated that you've even been posting the time when mr ticks actually turned on the watch. For example, some of you like to hear about all this stuff – and i certainly like talking about it – look at this it's like a little shoe box isn't that cute well, you got something fun that you can keep it in now um. How does this work? Yeah? Okay, it looks like it yep. It opens this way. Oh perfect christmas present wow an installation guide. We'Ve got to go through that because there's a a process of calibration that this needs to go through, and here it is Music it's just too big for the camera.
At this distance it's just a big long, um thing it's, it feels like something's here and then this doesn't feel like anything. In fact, what i think is going on is these are air compartments, and this is going to fill with air um. You know like the cuffs. Do i mean these guys are in that that blood pressure cuff world, so they probably use that technology for making this mat, and then in here i believe, is the power supply now, unlike all of our watches and stuff, that run on batteries, this puppy, uh, good It'S us, but you can get european if that's, where you're ordering yours from this thing has to be plugged in and all the time because it's going to be on wi, fi and yeah, you don't want to be having to get out of bed and charge. Your mat every night, oh Music, trust me there's, going to be a wire in there. Maybe we just uh plug that into there yeah, okay, the wire's already attached, so we plug that in we plug that in the wall – and we put this under the mattress like it shows here, go through the installation guide for those of you who want to study It um it's got gray against uh white that's, going to be a little hard to read everything that's in it how to install it. Yeah we haven't gotten to the point yet somebody's going to put the time up.
I know 12 minutes and 37 seconds. He actually started to talk about the thing. This is going to be an interesting experience for both of us for all of us, because i haven't ever done anything like this before uh and, of course i haven't used it. We just opened it so. First, i got to be able to put it under the mattress and get it calibrated. Then i got a sleep on it right. Look at this an fcc, um interface, interference, statement that must have to do with the wi fi. Here it is for canada. We'Ve got to collect some data got to put the app together, got to show you the data on the app and yeah. What you guys are hoping for i'm, going to grab a couple of the watches that do um sleep time, analysis and we're going to compare what this thing does and looks like with what we're getting with the like a spoken blade. For example, um, really detailed uh. In depth scientific sleep, they call it analysis, okay, that's everything then next is to get it all set up. Okay, you're going to get to see more about mr ticks than you ever thought. You'D wanted to know. This is the edge of my bed and i'm going to try to lift this up. Look at that there is uh the box springs and, unlike most people, mr ticks has a board here and the regular box springs there and the extra hair there we go.
What we're gon na do is two different tests: we're gon na pop this thing in here and we're gon na put it right there it's supposed to be at your heart level. Sorry if the camera is off a little bit on the mattress box spring itself. Now this helps mr tick's lower back, because this is too soft, so our first set of tests will be with it against the box, springs and later we'll put it on here and adjust this a little bit so it's still under the heart and then we'll know Whether it's better to have the mattress on something solid like the floor or wood or whether the box brings with a little bit of give, is going to be good for it. So now i just got to plug it in set it all up, calibrate it and then get you. Some data all right notice. The time now we're ready to begin with some results. Well by golly. It really works. I i it's it's amazing. I don't know how in the world it's doing it, but it really works so we're going to show you that data in just a moment and just to see if it really looks real we're, also going to show you. The data from the aura ring that you always see me wearing that was on last night, as well as the spoken blade um wrist device. That gave me a bunch of sleep readings amongst other things, but as far as health mate.
Now the withings tethering app that you connect in here that gives you this screen here's my first night's data we're, going to have many many more it'll all be part of this. This is going to be a long video for me to make not too terribly long for you to watch here we go. This uh is the chart that you get it's basically got three different colors in it. Four different colors you've got an awake time, which is the gray you see here before i went to bed then you've got deep. Sleep looks like i hit that pretty quickly. You got light sleep and then you've got rem, sleep which is right here now, overall, with all the mumbo jumbo and magic that they can pull together from the things you're going to see down. Here they gave me an overall sleep score of 73, like their picture. 75., they call it an average night. All right, i was a little restless. Actually, i slept better uh other nights. I was a little nervous about what was going to happen, but this is how it's broken down and they give you kind of a reading on that. The duration, they said, was 6 hours and 41 minutes pay attention to that, because we'll see how that compares with the other devices when you go in here, tells you a little bit about it, gives you your reading and i'm just below the sweet spot. As far as sleep duration goes that's, not time in bed, now that's your actual sleep duration, i got bad bad for depth.
What the heck is depth depth is um your recuperating time, and i only spent 16 percent of my night time truly recuperating. It breaks down into 11 for deep five for rem and 84, according to their measurement of me, was spent in light sleep, so you can't control the phases. But if you do things that help out your sleep, you should be able to increase your depth. Does that make sense, i hope so i got regulatory which is unknown now look at. I have to have at least three nights of data within the last seven days to be able to estimate my average rise and bedtime. So first night i'm not going to get data, so there will be more things to show up, as i do this every night and then we've got interruptions, and this says none. You woke up very little. Last night now i've got the whole chart grayed out and remember these black bars here were rem, sleep right and this this says i didn't. Wake up at all, not true, got up at least twice went to the bathroom one of them significantly enough as you're going to see in some of the other data to fake the app. To think that i completely got up at four something in the morning and didn't go back to bed, so i was up so on this side airing on the side of not picking up that i was awake and out of bed and the other one picking up.
Um that i was just or not picking up that i went back to bed, so we are getting different results. Okay, next comes time to sleep again, i don't know how it does all of this stuff, but it knew from the time i crawled in bed that 12 minutes later. I was asleep i'm. Getting extra points for falling asleep so quickly. Didn'T feel like that. For me, i literally was restless for over two hours in bed. I kept wanting to get up on peek at the at the the thing and see if it was moving. I wanted to see if i could feel it breathing underneath me or changing. I was nervous, like a young boy, getting a puppy for christmas and wondering if it's, okay, christmas night so um. If i went to sleep in 12 minutes, i must have been really still while i was anxious in bed but that's. My reading of how i felt – and this is their reading of what the device interpreted let's – see what my fall asleep time was on the other apps when we get to those okay and then time to get up boom. Zero minutes i'm. Getting extra points for being bright, eyed and bushy tailed. That is not my style. I tell you. However, i think i did spring up and go to the bathroom and never went back to bed, but normally i would i would crawl out of bed but um.
Here. You go it's, giving uh an interpretation of all of that stuff and i'm on the low side of good man. Look at that. I got up like zero minutes. Uh normally good would be six minutes any laying around in bed longer than that is just too long. So that's their interpretation and reading on that, so all these factors came together to give me a score of 73., now there's more data as well. Look at this there's something coming. I got an average sleep heart rate of 58 beats per minute, and here is the overall heart rate chart throughout the night now remember: i'm, not wearing anything. I have my pajamas on that's all and um it's, picking up my heart rate from a pad under the mattress. This is amazing science, and this is what it's getting and see my trend and it's going to say: why do you monitor it? A low sleep heart rate is a good health indicator. By the way a good chart looks like this. We learned that from the aura ring, if you want to re uh, revisit the review on the aura ring, which does all this kind of stuff as well, but for 300 bucks instead of a hundred dollars for this um. You could do that and it it tells you a lot about your lifestyle. The low resting heart rate is great, so that just kind of tells you about your trend. Oh what's, this whoa, okay, average sleep heart rate, 58, what's the impact and there's all these cards.
You can go through wow wow. This is nightly in a three month period on an annual basis. You can get all of this information. You can go back by date, which we don't need to, because it was my first one we can exit out of that. So this whole card can expand too and then and then remember this part here i showed you, i showed you this one detect breathing disturbances, uh huh that's, the next thing coming up. I had moderate breathing disturbances. There'S, a moderate amount of breathing disturbances see how it evolves, and here you go now. This is relatively new. It says that they've added to this whole process, but that mat in addition to getting your heart rate, can listen to your breath apparently and see. If you have breathing disorders and it's, saying that i got moderate um and about doing breathing tests, you can take a specialized ep worth test or a stop. Bang screening test and so forth, yeah lots of stuff in here and then again cards that relate to all of this we're not going to go into all that detail because we're showing you the data today, but basically it's, saying that i had a moderate level of Breathing disturbance throughout the evening and then snoring yep 35 minutes of snoring well by golly. What does it say? Here'S the bedtime here's my rise time and these are considered snoring events and sure enough. I can tap on them to show you that i had from 3 43 to 4 o'clock about 15 17 minutes worth of snoring going on near the 4 a.
m. Mark let's see how that stacks up with sleep apnea readings from another device, because we can combine all this stuff to get an overall picture. I had six episodes of snoring throughout the evening and that would represented nine percent of the of the evening for the whole amount added together and what's cool. Is this shows you when you see one of these, how long it was that one was 17 minutes that one was seven minutes so it's not like at least this night. Mr ticks was snoring all night long, as mrs ticks sometimes alludes to now. I'Ve got proof. I only had 35 minutes of good snoring for the evening and then you can attach comments uh to this whole thing too. So this is the type of analysis we get. This is only one day so far, but i wanted you to get a feel for it. Now let's switch over i'm going to go over to h band, which is the app that this one, the spoven blade uses there'll, be a link in the show notes. If you want to go, take a look at the review of this and there's many reviews of this app and what it can do. Look at this now the sleep analysis coming from this little wearing thing and it's, using special red diodes in here to interrogate throughout the night. It has both red and green. You know christmas, colors green is usually used for the heart rate and red is used for the deeper sleep analysis.
Now here's the same night it's saying i went to bed at 11, 31 got up at 6 13 a.m. This was 11 36 and got up at 6, 17. we're getting pretty close right. Okay, this talks about a sleep, duration of six hours and 42 minutes and a wake up of 14 minutes, which is three percent too much too long. Waking during sleep is poor. Sleep quality now um that's different than what we saw on the other one was had me just jumping out of bed like there was a fire alarm going off preparation, though it says i was asleep before i hit the pillow uh, so we're getting some mixed readings. Overall in these sensors that are trying to determine when you go to bed and when you get up rem sleep here, this is noting that i was in the state of rem, um 40 of the time, which is higher than normal, that i should have been like. Really having all kinds of vivid dreams, so it comes back to all right. Let'S put it put him on the witness stand and ask him the question. Sir: did you dream last night or not ah yeah? I think i did, but i don't remember it. I still got ta work on my lucid dreaming skills. I did dream, but i don't know that i dreamt 40 percent worth that's a lot, but this gives you rem, sleep, light sleep and deep sleep, let's pay attention two and a half hours of rim.
All two and a half hours, almost three hours of light and a little an hour of deep sleep right. What did we get over here? We got. Where does it show us all that data was it in here? Oh no, this is this, will show you if you touch there, it'll show you all of that stuff: um duration, no don where's, all of the breakdown of uh light and depth. There we go there. We go 45 minutes deep, 21 minutes of rim five and a half hours of light according to the mat two and a half rim, one hour deep and two, almost three hours of light according to the band all right we're, starting to see some discrepancies here you Know you take a heart rate and pretty much most of these devices are going to give you accuracy, but you start looking deeper into sleep, uh data collection and and it's getting it skewed, it's it's not lining up, maybe sleep time and wake up time are close, But look at everything in between all of these are little three minute, two or three minute increments, of jumping between light, deep rim. All that stuff deep, is the deep blue. I think up here and lightest, the light blue and red is the and i can't even hit a rim there's a rim, one minute of rem, sleep right there, 246 to 247, so this one seems to be noisy it's, it's, it's, picking up stuff.
I don't dream for for 35 seconds. You know nobody does. I don't believe so. This needs some sort of a filter on it to give you bigger chunks of when you're, really in rem, sleep or really in deep sleep same time, though this one i don't, know it's uh, it seems like too big of a chunks. It doesn't really catch. Some of the deep sleep or rem sleep in my opinion that are happening when it's just saying light sleep, maybe because it's not as sensitive because it's on a mattress. You know hidden below you and it's, trying to feel your breath rate movement somehow with sensors. But this is the actual data and i only have one day so far, so we got that we got that without going into sorry a lot of other stuff here, let's switch over and say well what the heck did the ring do, here's the aura ring and Look at this 11 24 roughly same time going to bed, but at 4 26 am remember. I told you got up a couple times went to the bathroom. It said i never came back to bed, and so it locked me in for a short night of sleep by the way this one because it's got all sorts of sensors in the ring, also monitors my movement, and you see i did have quite a bit of Movement here at four in the morning when i got up it's showing me awake time at the top light sleep and deep sleep, and i did find that if i touch this – and i turn this there we go, i can show you uh, spread out a little Bit more now, sadly, i mean this is an editing mode, so i could edit the beginning and end timing if it was wrong, but i'm none of them.
Let me touch and show you the actual segments uh here from the ring of when i'm in those different modes and it's, not as deeply detailed as the other ones, either in what it's giving us. But it does show you movement in correlation with your sleep stages, resting heart rate is available on the ring, and this has this pattern. Usually a good night for me starts out with a higher heart rate, and then it slowly comes down. Sometimes it's, not picking it up. You know on the finger other times it is, and it gives you your overall resting heart rate and your lowest, which is uh 52, is my minimum and average was 60 for the night and how did that correlate with our resting heart rate here, 58. Okay, so yeah we're coming in pretty close 52 average 60 if we're looking at the average. But this is the kind of data that you're getting uh from the ring. Also, it does an analysis when you're using the ring of all kinds of things, see it. It credited me for only three and a half hours of total sleep which it says is too short. So a lot of these other things fell off because it didn't get the the last hour or two of sleep for me, but it is showing you a nice green line. A blue line is a good thing and the red ones are i'm supposed to be taking paying attention to and here's some more sleep efficiency there's that special number.
Seventy percent and uh the health mate from the mat has given me, 73 percent, so that's a beginning. Now i'll come back after i've got at least a week worth of data and we'll take a look at this again now, with all that data fresh in our minds. Let'S, take a quick look at a bunch of days, all in a row comparing first the data derived from the spoken blade watch in this side and from the withings mat in this one. Now we looked at the 9th of december, falling asleep. 11. 36. 11. 31. Waking up 6, 17. 6. 13 score. A 73 got two on this one. But what does it look like for other days? Here'S, the 10th 73 matching up again got a little bit better score i'm. Just going to, let you guys freeze on the data and take a look at it and analyze it as you choose um we'll, just kind of skip through all of these here's friday. Can i do that here? Nope i got ta hit the button uh friday, the 11th that's kind of in the way. This shows three wake times. Not quite sure i got 83 went back down to two that's. How the numbers are matching up. Saturday then came up with a three awake times: nothing showing here back down to 73 two stars: there, 1109 12 47 that's a big difference. 558 613. Am i on the same day? Is this the same person yeah same me different data 13th.
Here we go 11. 24 7, 10 kind of close 96. Look at this. One got 96 on this depth was good. I'Ll just show you some of this good regularity. Last seven nights data right there uh interruptions, none that was my last night. It said time to sleep, was 13 minutes. That'S in the good side time to get up nothing, so that gave me a 96 score, followed by an 87 on the 14th, which is shown here on this one and 6. 18. 5. 56, 10, 48, 10, 35, but totally different results when it comes to your actual sleep, information, duration, 7, 21, 7 and a half yeah yeah and last night, because this is monday. I believe we've got this oh tuesday today, there three more longer wait awake times, and these are fairly realistic. I do remember getting up toward morning three times, then going back and laying down a little bit and then hopping back out of bed again i'm getting low sleep qualities on here, two stars. Basically, on most of these two to three, this is a lowest. I got 64 right here so that's the data comparing the mat with the band now i'm going to run through and bring up the data on the ring for you. So, once again, this band is probably about half the cost of the mat, and the mat is about a third, the cost of the ring and the ring the aura ring this one right here is really an advanced scientific piece of of amazing magic never leaves my Finger except to charge it here's the data we looked at each of these separately we're back on the ninth right now i got a 59 in terms of my overall readiness sweep score was 73.
Now, here my sleep score is 51.. We looked at that data. Let'S. Take another day here we go 73 again i'm at 69 readiness. Now readiness is a combination of all kinds of things that go into that sleep score. I would imagine, is more like this. So when i go into sleep and i come into here – we've got the um. Oh, i think this is just describing it for us right, yeah, so well, we've got this. We got the the chart of all of the stuff that's going on there uh. This has got different categories to it: here's the matching chart that we would be looking at with the awake time, rim, time light and deep sleep times resting heart rate is all in here 55. What was this one? 51, average 56, so those are tracking pretty well better. It seemed like than when we did the the band 83 here thursday. Okay come on. Oh, i got ta get out of sleep and back here to friday. Okay, this had jumped up from 73 to 83. This has gone from 69 to 75 and 66 to 70., so the trend is there: if nothing else, and then we went from 83 back down to 73. i'm matching at 73 coming down from 75. 63, there 96, the really great sunday um on my sunday here. I went from 73 to another 73. 68, 68 ish for the sleep score. Oh yeah, you get your activity, you know workout stuff in this thing as well, and actually, if i wanted to go into readiness and show you the weekly readiness information that's there here's the overall thing where you see all kinds of stuff, this is your resting heart Rate, i believe i can bring up body temperature, and this is the deviation in body temperature from my normal once it figured that out, and this is the precursor to whether you might have an infection or virus coming on.
If you start seeing the uh temperature rise sometime way back here is when i got my flu shot, yep sure enough, not the vaccine, but the basic flu shot had a temperature of about four degrees higher for a couple of days went back down so really fun. Stuff, if you got the money to buy the ring, the aura ring about 300 minus 20 percent. Sometimes you can get it on sale or the hundred dollar mat or the roughly 50 40 50 dollar band. All of that contributes to the different levels of detail of data and then i've got uh yesterday, which is here, which is here and again. I can come in and look at the overall sleep pattern, sleep pattern. He says there you go. This is what they look like together and finally, let's get back to today and finish this up today, meaning last night, which is right here and overall readiness and the heart rate, and your average and minimum here – and here we go 55 and we've got the overall Chart and the sleep score of 64. and for this one today. Well it hasn't gone into tonight yet so the from yesterday, 64 65 75 too much data really okay, it's about time, i'm. Overloaded, too, my system has stopped all right. Well, i think you've seen enough to make an educated, uh decision on whether or not sticking a mat under your mattress and sleeping on it could give you the kind of data that you could make some rational, um inferences about your overall health and well being.
Let me tell you one really interesting thing about this particular device and the appit tethers too, when you hook this up, you're hooking it up on wi fi, so that means it's using wi fi to go through and do all of the data collection of what's coming In the map, all you got to do is plug it in a usb connector. You know in a charger in the wall or on a phone or a computer or whatever you know, whatever charger you got and just leave it like that it's gon na do everything else automatically now. The other thing is before, because this thing is actually um on wi fi. All of the data will stream to it, either from wi, fi or cellular from anywhere in the world. So what i'm getting at is if you've got an elderly person, a mom, a grandma. Somebody that you want to kind of monitor their health, but you don't want to be invasive, and you can just get permission to just put this little mat under their bed and walk away as long as they're on on wifi, which they probably are. If you're zooming with them during covet or whatever anytime, you want to anywhere from your phone on cellular connecting into the internet or on wi fi. As long as you can connect into the internet with your password and everything tied into this unit, you can pull up all of the data and you could sit there and monitor remotely from anywhere what breathing disturbance level that person had or snoring.
All of that, you can make your own comments to the database here and you could get a feel for whether or not um there's an issue going on that. You need to look into, and just kind of make sure that the health of that elderly relative is is in good condition. Similarly, you can do these kind of things with the ring and there's even a web interface and all of that stuff, with the deviation from uh. Your nightly temperature that's all available too over the web on a daily basis, plus all the data that you saw us getting in the aura ring charts here. Your resting heart rate, your heart rate variability, which we haven't even begun to talk about, but we are going to we are, we have you subscribed, i hope so we're going to get deep into this here's my overall daily. These are all the different days. Uh heart rate variability streaming to an app. It also goes to a web interface and you can stratify and dice and slice the data any way you want to and have a really good look at it. This is so sophisticated that there's been a an ongoing global study of healthcare providers wearing the ring providing feedback to look at a technology of how they can pre judge whether or not a person is catching covet before the symptoms show up pre asymptomatic, there's, a sponsored Study on that, using the ring really advanced stuff, but we're here right now to talk about the map that's, what this video is about, you saw us install it you've seen the data.
A complementary connection of using the map, together with the band in particular, would give you a nice balance of data, and, if you can do it, having the ring as well gives you the complete portfolio from temperature, all the way up to uh activity tracking that you Get with the band wow wow we've covered a lot, and we love to do that here. At smart watch ticks and if you haven't subscribed, we sure invite you to just go to Takes you right in our front door. You can sign up for free hit. The little bell and you'll be notified when we put up new new videos and we are deviating from just watches to all kinds of wearables and even leonables. I guess in this case uh. I hope you like it. I sure do i'm having a lot of fun with this stuff and we're going to continue it into 2021, because the technology is just continuing to improve.