
The W59MINI Srie 9 41mm is a stylish smartwatch that comes with the latest Micro OS 10 system. In this review, we will take a closer look at its features and performance. From its design to its functionality, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of this smartwatch.

Complete review of the W59MINI Series 9 41mm Micro OS 10 System

The W59MINI Series 9 41mm is a smartwatch that promises to surprise in several aspects. In this complete review, we will explore all the features and impressions about this incredible model.

Open Box: A presentable box

Ao abrir a caixa do W59MINI Srie 9 41mm, somos recebidos com um design elegante e de alta qualidade. A caixa em si possui relevos que lembram couro, o que confere um toque sofisticado ao produto. Nas laterais, encontramos apenas um pequeno selo com informaes sobre a marca.

No verso da caixa, h um QR code que, ao ser escaneado pelo celular, nos leva diretamente ao site oficial do produto. um detalhe interessante para facilitar o acesso a mais informaes sobre o smartwatch.

A detailed manual

Dentro da caixa, encontramos um manual bastante completo. Ele est disponvel em duas partes: uma em ingls e outra em chins. Porm, vlido ressaltar que assistir a este vdeo substitui a necessidade de consultar o manual em papel.

High quality bracelet

A pulseira do W59MINI Srie 9 41mm tambm impressiona pela sua qualidade. Ela j vem com um fecho ajustvel, o que permite um encaixe perfeito no pulso. Alm disso, sua espessura ideal, garantindo conforto durante o uso.

Induction charger

O carregador por induo do W59MINI Srie 9 41mm tambm merece destaque. Alm de alta qualidade, ele oferece praticidade na hora de recarregar o smartwatch. Basta posicionar o dispositivo no carregador e aguardar o carregamento completo.

The new Micro OS 10 System

Uma das grandes novidades do W59MINI Srie 9 41mm o seu sistema operacional. O Micro OS 10 traz diversas melhorias, como a possibilidade de adicionar fotos de fundo tanto no reprodutor de msica quanto no menu. uma maneira de personalizar ainda mais o uso do smartwatch.

No prximo vdeo, parte 2 deste review, vamos explorar a configurao do relgio, o pareamento com o celular, fazer teste de ligao e ensinar como adicionar fotos de fundo. Se voc ainda no est convencido sobre o potencial desse modelo, aguarde para ver todas as funcionalidades em ao.

O W59MINI Srie 9 41mm um smartwatch cheio de estilo e funcionalidades. Seu tamanho de 41mm chamativo e ideal para quem busca algo mais marcante. No perca a oportunidade de adquirir essa incrvel pea de tecnologia.

W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Micro OS 10 System | Complete Review | Openbox | Impressions see

Design and Build

The W59MINI Srie 9 41mm boasts an impressive design with a sleek and modern look. Its aluminum construction gives it a premium feel, and the graphite or gray color adds to its elegance. With its 1.7 inch screen and a resolution of 320 by 390 pixels, the display is vibrant and sharp. The watch is also equipped with a metal or silicone strap, providing both comfort and style.


The W59MINI Srie 9 41mm runs on the Micro OS 10 system, which offers a unique user interface. The watch face can be customized with various wallpapers and even personalized with your own photos. With its dynamic and interactive buttons, navigating through the menus is seamless. The round button takes you to the main menu, while the square button acts as a shortcut.

Display and Visibility

Thanks to its 1.7 inch display, the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm provides an immersive viewing experience. The screen is bright and clear, even under direct sunlight. Whether you’re checking notifications or using apps, you won’t have any trouble seeing the content on this smartwatch. The visibility is further enhanced by its minimum brightness setting, which makes it perfect for outdoor activities.

Durability and Water Resistance

The W59MINI Srie 9 41mm is IP68 certified, making it resistant to water splashes, dust, and sweat. You can wear it while washing your hands without any issues. However, it is not suitable for swimming or diving. The watch is built to withstand everyday wear and tear, ensuring its durability for long-term use.

Battery Life

With its 220mAh battery, the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm offers a decent battery life. On average, it can last between two to three days with regular use. If you use it sparingly or put it on standby mode, the battery life can be extended further.

Opo se voc por exemplo quiser para calculadora, para esporte, eu vou, ensinar, vocs, j j, como que faz isso

If you want to use the W59MINI Series 9 41mm Micro OS 10 system as a calculator or for sports purposes, I will teach you how to do it.

Aproveitar as opes do sistema

Vamos aproveitar algumas opes do sistema. Por exemplo, voc pode verificar a porcentagem da bateria. Alm disso, o relgio possui um recurso de drenagem de gua que til caso voc o molhe. Tambm possvel ativar o modo No Perturbe, que escurece a tela e impede notificaes indesejadas. O relgio tambm mostrar a identidade do modelo e os estilos disponveis, incluindo uma lanterna. O brilho da tela tambm pode ser ajustado, assim como outras opes, como levantar o pulso para iluminar o relgio.

Recursos adicionais

NFC uma funcionalidade presente no relgio, mas, no Brasil, no utilizado para pagamentos, apenas para o desbloqueio de portas digitais. O relgio tambm possui um aplicativo onde voc pode personalizar diversas configuraes, como altura e idade. Voc tambm pode controlar as notificaes, escolhendo vibrar ou acender a tela. Na parte geral, possvel obter informaes sobre o idioma, realizar a conexo com o celular, reiniciar e desligar o relgio. Tambm possvel personalizar as configuraes de som, toque e intensidade de volume, alm de adicionar um PIN de segurana de quatro dgitos para maior segurana do relgio.

Configuraes adicionais

Existem outras opes disponveis nas configuraes adicionais. Voc pode acess-las atravs de um atalho no relgio. L, voc poder escolher entre diferentes modos, como o modo esporte, sono ou atividade. Alm disso, h a opo de ativar o modo econmico, que economiza bateria, e a lmpada de cabeceira, que possui um layout semelhante ao Apple Watch. Recomendo deixar esse recurso ativado para uma experincia mais agradvel. A configurao de sincronizao de hora tambm importante, permitindo que o relgio seja sincronizado automaticamente com o horrio do smartphone. Voc tambm pode editar os cones e escolher entre uma variedade de watch faces disponveis no aplicativo.

Essas so apenas algumas das opes e recursos oferecidos pelo W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10. Com tantas funcionalidades e possibilidades de personalizao, o relgio proporciona uma experincia completa e personalizada aos usurios. Vale a pena explorar todas as opes e aproveitar ao mximo esse dispositivo.

W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 | Review Completo | Openbox | Impresses veja

Review of W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10

In this review, we will delve into the features and functions of the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 smartwatch. From its design to its performance, we will provide a comprehensive evaluation of this device.

Design and Features

The W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 boasts a sleek and stylish design. Its 41mm size makes it suitable for both men and women. The Micro OS 10 operating system ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Health Monitoring

One of the standout features of this smartwatch is its comprehensive health monitoring capabilities. It tracks sleep patterns, heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels. However, it’s important to note that it does not track heart rate outside of the wrist.

Fitness and Sports Mode

For fitness enthusiasts, the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 offers a range of sports modes. These modes provide detailed information about your workouts and help you track your progress. Whether you’re running, cycling, or practicing yoga, this smartwatch has you covered.

Customization and Connectivity

This smartwatch allows for customization, giving you the freedom to personalize your device. You can add your own photos as the watch face and even add contacts for quick and convenient calling. It also features weather updates and notifications for added convenience.

Additional Features

Other notable features of the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 include an alarm function, breathing exercises, an educational mode, calculator, timer, and stopwatch. These features make it a versatile accessory for your daily life.

The W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 is a feature-rich smartwatch that offers a range of functions and customization options. Its sleek design and comprehensive health monitoring make it a great choice for tech-savvy individuals who value both style and functionality.

Where will I share it on social media or even Pixie I teach, then in the video I will leave the link below the step

When it comes to the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10, one of the standout features is its versatility in sharing media on social networks. Whether it’s posting pictures or videos on platforms like Pixie, this smartwatch has got you covered. In the video linked below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to do just that.

The same thing he will look for here, the watch or cell phone here, a flashlight, emergency personnel

Another noteworthy aspect of the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm is its functionality as a handy tool in emergencies. Not only does it serve as a reliable watch and cellular device, but it also comes equipped with a built-in flashlight. This feature can be a real lifesaver in unexpected situations.

Here the themes I told you are 6 massage styles here if you click

For those in need of relaxation, the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm offers six different massage styles. By simply clicking on the designated option, you can enjoy a soothing massage right on your wrist. It’s a great way to unwind and destress after a long day.

Here it will vibrate. Remembering that it will discharge much faster, menstrual period too

It’s important to note that when the massage feature is activated, the watch will vibrate. However, it’s worth mentioning that this may cause the battery to drain faster. Additionally, for individuals who track their menstrual cycles, this smartwatch provides useful reminders and insights during that time of the month.

This part is How to configure the games, it does not come enabled with games. I teach the video, part 2, if you want to know also go to the link

If you’re a gaming enthusiast, you’ll find the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm to be a convenient device. However, it’s important to note that the watch does not come pre-loaded with games. In the video linked below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to configure and install games on the device.

Where is the video available, part 2 and personal job market only

For those interested in learning more about configuring games and exploring the job market for smartwatches, there is a second part to the video. In this video, you’ll find additional information on how to access and utilize these features.

Here are some functions that I didn’t see anything relevant to this option here guys

Although the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm offers a range of functions, there are some that may not be particularly relevant to everyone. It’s important to explore the different options and find the ones that suit your needs best.

The GPS pulls the data from your cell phone, takes all the parameters and sends it to the watch

One notable feature of this smartwatch is its GPS function. However

Overall, the W59MINI Srie 9 41mm with Micro OS 10 system is a reliable and stylish smartwatch. Its design, functionality, and durability make it a great choice for anyone looking for a versatile wearable. Whether you’re into fitness tracking or simply want a fashionable accessory, this smartwatch has a lot to offer.

W59MINI Série 9 41mm Sistema Micro OS 10 | Review Completo | Openbox | Impressões veja👇🏻

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