Oh, but please like and subscribe and hit that bell. I really appreciate that yeah, so it’s really charged as you saw um. This is it out of the watch form it’s um when it’s in it, you can put on sap it on your whisk or heat and then and bam. I have toby smartwatch carrying around um, so yeah, so let’s get straight into it, it’s already charged um. Sorry, i can’t show you the charger right now it’s but it’s. It looks like this. I should show you this sorry yeah there we go um, so um yeah, so let’s turn it on it kind of takes a while. You like hold it down. You hold down this button, you press and hold this button to turn it off. It takes a while, but you press it and hold to turn it back on when it’s off Music and yep toby, smartwatch and sorry for the background Music. Sorry for the background, um noise. So yes, so you see he opened these little wings over here and um. He opened these little rings over here yeah, so he opens these rings over here. So if i’m talking fast um, so you can like shake him he’d like get dizzy and you can like tickle him and stuff. He gets mad and he takes these up. So if we press the home button, we get here, but if we press it again, we’ll get to that later. You press it again.
We get to the time, so we can swipe to which time we want to go to like which settings time setting time. So like yeah go across and now it’s kind of bright, so it’ll be hard to see, focus yep so then and um we have this one and then we swipe again. Oh, we have a robot one, and this is pretty cool, um kind of hard to beat for little kids, so yeah, and we have this one that’s pretty cool too. Some of these i actually haven’t, seen okay. I thought i saw spongebob, so this one it’s just like um that so let’s actually get into the smartwatch all right yeah. So we got the um time now, let’s get to the actual thing. So right here we have let’s focus, yes, okay, it’s kind of hard to see um. So we have the heartbeat. It turns off one you’re, not touching it often. So we have the hoppy and like games and like a text message and um videos and videos and videos and yeah you can like put on different emojis and stuff yep it’s, pretty cool. You press, homer here again and then now let’s go. You can call, but you like, do a video, but you actually can’t like call anybody or text anybody unless you like hook it up to a and so yeah. You can like record what you say you actually Music. We have some trophies and paintings in here and some you can make some videos and pictures you can set alarms and you can.
You can take pictures. You have the time you have um two alarm things. I think three actually and you have calculator and then yeah that’s, all so, and if you want to check out the let’s check out the quality, so obviously it’s not going to be the best quality out of them all, but it’s pretty good it’s kind of hard To see it um and yeah, so that’s, the toby spot watch review. Hope you have a good day.