com the premiere site for smartwatch specs news and reviews. Okay, we are on the second video, okay part, two video for our unboxing and review of the t100 plus mark watch. Okay, this time were going to explore the menus of the t100 plus smartwatch. Okay, so were going to explore its features and functionalities. Okay. So we again before we do that lets check. Okay, lets take a look at the design of the t, 100 plus smart watch. Okay, glossy back here seems like it is a glass, a zinc, alloy body with a brush finish. You have here the crown button. Okay, we have the fill shape button here. Okay, so we have a 2.5 d tempered glass, okay, so lets turn it on. Okay lets check press long, press okay, so did that work lets see, lets try it again: okay! Well, maybe that is not the power button about this one okay, so this is the power button low. So we have here black bezel, okay, so slimmer on the top and the left hand side while on the bottom it is much wider. So you have a watch face here. Okay, going back so we have the watch face i mean what face? Do we have? Okay, too, we also have a robotic watch face here, beautiful so far it has a beautiful screen display here. I like the screen display: okay, the classic mickey mouse analog watch face. So it is preloaded with several watch faces here and, as you can see, seems like it supports the case.
Split menu, a split screen. You have the qr code also have the sports here. Heart rate, the settings, okay, so, okay, that is how you access the menu. A about from this one, a watch face from top to bottom, also have the menu. So we have the manual so lets see if we can. Okay, so theres no function for this one: okay, okay, so you can scroll on the different watch faces with the use of the ground button. Okay, so for this one theres no zoom in or zoom out, just scrolling okay, so we have so its a different zoom. In and zoom out, hey its like its just okay, switching through pages okay, so lets see so they we do have different options here. Well see if we can change the menu okay, because that is the calculator lets check. We have. The qr code cannot operate power. Button here watch faces the information d100 plus smartwatch. Okay. What else do we have here so dial? So it supports bluetooth. Functionality seems like we do have this built in speaker for this one. We have the sports function here. Okay, how about this? One, okay, brightness measuring! So that is 40 blood pressure or temperature monitoring okay, so we have the thermometer for the t100 plus smartwatch. Okay timer, we have seems like we have the blood brush over here. Okay, what else we have wechat support heart rate, so this one reset okay lets go to the settings.
Lets see. Okay, split screen access, lift up, okay, so shock on. So that is the vibration, so it seems like we dont have an option here. I think this is sedentary flashlight. We have the facebook here access message. Notification from facebook watch faces what else heart grade, so this is a dice its a game. Oh okay lets roll, okay and okay. So three, okay, thats a very good option or functionality; blood pressure. How about this one blood oxygen so also have a blood oxygen motoring lets, see the sports okay, its, not the sports, about this one. Oh, we have hiking. We also have bicycle here what else? Okay phone book? No, we have the different options well check later on. On the support app, if what are the other functionalities here, what is this little letter a here? Okay, so the language, so we have at least several support for languages. Okay, so well explore more okay. We have automatic step counter here with gallery and distance. Well, we will explore more with the different functionalities of these mark watch, so theres a lot of options so far here, as you can see, okay, it will take time so qr code for the support app. We have skipping rope here, heart rate. We also have a twitter here, okay, direct message, i think – or message notifications. Okay, so we have. I think this is also whats up settings. So far we dont have menu option.
Okay, wait. We hope that they are. There will be an over the air update and there will be an option for the different menus or menu option for this one. For example, the list menu the grid menu, okay, so that it will be easy or it will add, more customization option personalization for the user of the smartwatch, but so far so good. It has a lot of options for the t100 plus smartwatch well see in the next few weeks, especially when the series 7 is already out well see if theres some update for the t100 plus smartwatch when it comes to features again. This is the premiere site for smart watch, specs news and reviews.