Um tin, wood it’s been about a week, so let’s just take a look at the outside first, okay, so the nice part is, you can take it off easily there’s some for the straps there’s. Just a click will pull and then voila put it back in so you change it pretty easily and then click okay and then, when you put on the strap there’s, also a little hook on the inside, so let’s see you pluck it in then actually stays on There it locks in so it doesn’t, really move which is cool. I didn’t know they do those anymore nowadays, okay, that’s about a it regarding that side. So this is the on button. Okay, then, for the timer that one and then for our steps. What kind of stuff you’re going to do or exercise modes let’s, see and then let’s see, and then you could do after it connects to your phone. You could and allow all most of the settings. You click this and then you can get the weather okay and then, if you swipe right, this is helps you breathing just helps you breathe. It tells you how to breathe before, like to calm you down, timer settings that this changes the watch face. So you could select it yourself like that, then that one is daily i’ll change it for you daily every day, i’ll be different and then i’m not sure that one is and then let’s see tips on this.
There is night mode. You could use that on night modes, harp using heartbeats all right tip on this, for some reason, when i’m, connecting with my app it connects to gps, okay and it burns through so much battery on the phone. I had to shut it off in like three hours. I dropped like 50 of my battery, so that shut it up when you go connect with the app shut off the gps setting. I don’t know why you need gps setting on this, send data to china or something just kidding so yeah um. Is this worth it yeah 30, if i’ll send the link below if it’s still still available i’m, not sure how long it is available. Let me see one minute so regarding this, you can only have five messages. Notifications and i’ll send you notifications from messages snapchats, not the full snapchat like if it’s hidden, it’ll be hidden and then like music ones. Okay, sort of annoying thing is like when you go to music it’s connected when it’s connected it’ll show you and then after you’re done with it it shuts off. It goes back to the clock so it’s like harder to use, but you don’t, really uh it’s decent. Regarding that, the battery is lasting, pretty long right now, it’s only been like a week and it’s already, just barely half so yeah um or five days so yeah. I recommend this watch yeah for thirty dollars for fifty dollars.
I don’t know you wait for other ones. It’S pretty nice, though the thickness the shimmer, the etching different styles, i don’t know if there’s gon na be really any more updates for this. So yeah you could change the straps. I sort of do it’s pretty good that you can just change it to a different one: i’m, not sure what the size is but yeah.