, today i’m, coming at you with another watch review video me looking at this guy. This is the nixon dork two and that’s two, as in the word, two t o o, not the number two so uh. Before i get into this review, i just wan na say uh a couple days ago, we did hit 100 subscribers on the channel uh by the time this video comes out. You know be a few weeks because of the way i schedule my videos but uh. I just want to say thank you to everyone who subscribed uh, who comments who shares you know. Uh means a lot when i started this a little over a year ago. Now i i sure, as hell didn’t think i would get one subscriber, let alone a hundred. So it really means a lot. Thank you for the continued support and um. You know i promise to keep uh trying to get better at this um. You know i’m, not a professional, but i do what i can so with that said. Let’S get into this review, so this is the box that the dork 2 comes in. This is those who you who don’t know, that is nixon’s logo, so just a little bit about nixon uh they’re founded in 97, 1997. uh they’re, headquartered in in cenitas california um for those of you who don’t know if you’ve never been on nixon’s website. They’Re kind of like uh, like a lifestyle designer brand kind of um, i think more – towards like the surf crowd um a lot of a lot of their website is uh.
You know geared towards that. A lot of the designs are a little out there, a little radical some. Some are gimmicky. Some are cool, but one thing i can always say about nixon, watches and i’ve owned a few through the years they hold up pretty. Well, they actually build a good product. I have no complaints about any of my nicks and watches, like i said, i’ve owned a few throughout the years, i’ve sold a few throughout the years and they’re actually pretty sought after on the market, especially the models that aren’t made anymore. I remember uh, i sold the nixon player a while back and you know i got a pretty decent amount of money back for it. You know it was a model that’s not made anymore pretty sought after was the metal one at that. So enough rambling. This is the box that you get pretty standard box push back here, push your phone back, you open the box it’s the tag you get a usb cable. Now the nixon is not. The dork, too, is not a smart watch, but because of what it can do, all the speaking and the led and all that stuff uh it just doesn’t – have a regular watch battery in there. So you do have to charge it. Um i’ve been searching around even in the instructions there really isn’t nothing about how much power reserve you get out of a full charge, but i can tell you that i’ve had this thing sitting in my watch box for a week or so and it’s still going Um, it does give you a low battery warning when it reaches 20 percent i’ve.
Never gotten to that point. So i honestly don’t know what it looks like i don’t know if it’s a sound or whatever um, given the the kind of uh uniqueness about this watch. I wouldn’t doubt if that’s what it is uh but yeah, it does and it’s just a regular micro usb. So i i just leave with this one in the box in case i didn’t ever decide to sell this it’s in there, and i don’t have to worry about it. You know i have plenty of micro usbs, but uh yeah get your instructions and your other stuff and you get some extra links now. I did have to remove a link when i got this, but uh there are already extra ones in the baggy that i guess they come out of the factory like that, so it looks like they don’t size them too big right out of the factory, but you Know it’s pretty cool, you know so you know decently equipped nothing to brag about, but you know at least they they do that at least they give you an actual instruction thing, which i don’t know it seems like these days. A lot of companies are shying away from that, but uh this watch costs about 150 dollars brand new. Like i said uh you can you can search ebay, you can search amazon for it. Um it may not. You know it may not cost you that much um. One thing i will say if you do go pre owned with this don’t pay more than 150 um, because you will see some of them out there inflated on the price.
If you can get it brand new, just get it brand new um yeah. I don’t pay more than 150 for this watch because you know for as cool as it is. I wouldn’t pay more than 150 for it, but uh yeah. You know how some guys some some sellers on ebay man they just like to really inflate those prices on on use things, and you know this watch is not hard to find. You can still find these nixon still carries them on the website and i will link it in the description of the video but uh let’s get into some of the specs. So this is the nixon door. 2. Everyone um! You see these little holes on the watch. They’Re there, because this watch can do this – tells you the time: how cool is that a watch that actually can tell you the time uh just more than that uh? If you press one of these buttons here so that’s, really all you get you get date. You get the time you get the date. The date window is this: when you push this button here, the first button to the side, you push it once you get the day you get the month and day you don’t get the year, but there’s a computer in there so or the chip. I should say so: it knows you know, based on the chip that you know all the information that’s pre programmed in there.
It knows what year it is, and it knows what day of the week it is when you set that so uh. So it knows it right off the bat because you do set the year when you’re setting the watch up, but you then you never see it again. So it just knows off the calendar that’s pre programmed in there. What day of the week it is, it does have an led, uh and i’ll put that in the corner, and you know it’s it’s, not the brightest led uh, you know display, but it gets the job done. You can see it in the dark. You can tell the time – and of course you really don’t even have to do that, because you can do this. I mean how cool is that i i mean i’m really really really like like this watch it’s cool man. I really i really like the design of it um, i kind of see it as looks like kind of one of those old answering machines. You know i grew up in the 90s and we had an answering machine and this kind of looks like it reminds me of that all right, so the door 2 is made out of stainless steel. Obviously this one is painted black uh this this little lcd display here metal crystal so you know you know you want to take it easy on it. Um you do get a 12 to 24 hour display on it, i being an explanatory guy i’m, just used to 12 uh 24 hour time, so that’s.
How i always leave it. You do get a backlight like i mentioned earlier, um i’ll put that up on the corner. Backlight is decent it’s good enough. The watch is comfortable uh, it doesn’t it’s, not really a huge watch. You know this is what it looks like on rest. You know move that around for y’all. You know it’s, not a huge watch uh i don’t have the biggest risk in the world and it’s comfortable. The this metal bracelet is very comfortable. I have uh, i have a seiko. I have a sacral turtle, a matter of fact and uh. I had to take the bracelet off. I couldn’t i had to put it on the nato. I was doing the bracelet on that for a while, and it was just it was just so uncomfortable but uh, you know that’s a way more expensive watch than this is, and this has the better band go figure right, but uh yeah it’s, not it doesn’t, feel That heavy uh like, as i mentioned you you do charge, you have to charge it with a micro, usb port, and this is your charge here on the side, one of the cool things about this watch. You know nixon gave this watch when they programmed it. They gave it a lot of personality, so uh, you know on fridays. It sounds excited on on sundays. It sounds a little depressed uh when it when it, when it’s fully charged it will yell out dork and like the first time i heard it, it threw me off and said man.
What was that and then i realized it was the watch um. It does have a chime, an hourly chime, but it is not like a regular beep like on a let’s, say a casio watch, uh matter of fact. Let me play a sound for you, so you can hear for yourself so yeah um. I choose to leave my chime off because uh i i don’t want to be hearing that all night, especially on the hour. You know you’re asleep at two or three in the morning, and you just hear dork um that would get on my nerves but uh. The watch this is listed at 45 millimeters long 14, millimeters thick. I measured mine when i got it with my calipers. I measured 44 by 33 by 12. uh. The lugs are 22 millimeters apart, but uh oh very important. This watch has no water rating. Do not get this watch wet. You will regret it. No water rating that is like one of the big things nixon stresses out, even when you, when you go on their website and look at this watch, no water rating. So do not get this one wet uh. You know nixon is kind of like a surf brand, so a lot of their watches are tough, but this one because of the nature of it, is a little more on the delicate side. So do not you do not want to get this wet you will. You will kill the watch, but um yeah it’s there’s, not much more to it than that um.
It comes comes the instruction uh manual it’s, not even really a manual it’s, just a big long sheet with uh it’s, really just four steps to set it all up. It’S, pretty self explanatory it’s not complicated so i’m not going to get into it uh in this video but uh it. You know overall, cool watch easy to use easy to set up, and you know how cool is this. I i just don’t get tired of it. Man every time i wear this, you know i get it, it gets looks it gets attention and uh. You know, it’s a conversation, starter it’s, a cool piece to have and i’m i’m very happy to have it so um that’s. Going to this just going to be a quick review, guys and girls uh. So with that, let me give you my final thoughts so guys overall, my my my overall impressions on the nixon uh dork too. I i like this watch, i think it’s functional. I think it has a purpose um the design is cool, it’s, it’s kind of unique there’s, really not much out there like it uh. I guess. Maybe you could say the bulova computron, but that has a little bit of a different shape to it and uh. I do have one of those and i will be making a video on that soon, but uh. I. I think this is a cool watch. Nixon i’ve, owned i’ve owned a few nixons over the years um and you know, for they are what they are they’re they’re.
A fashion brand and – and i hate to say that term, because you know people like to crap on what they call fashion watches. But what i mean by that is like designer brian watches, like your guest jeans or your your polos and your gucci’s, i tend to stay away from watches like that i’m. Just not a fan of them, and but you know i guess you could say the nixon falls into that category, but nixon watches to me they’re, always above those other designer brand watches um. I i think they make solid pieces for what they are they’re. You know some of them are gimmicky, some of them are not. Some of them are pretty functional, but um. I think this is a cool watch. If you can find one at a decent price uh i mean you can still find them brand new they’re not hard to get but uh. You know if you can find a pre owned at a decent price uh, i would say: do it um? You probably won’t regret it it’s it’s, it’s it’s a cool piece to own and who knows man they might stop making these one day, and you know you’ll have something unique in your collection, so that’s going to conclude this one guys and girls. I got to get away from the habit of just saying guys, pretty sure i got women viewing the channel too, but uh anyway that’s going to do it for this one.
I will see you in my next one: peace, hey youtube, it’s your boy vic nyc 82. If you like, my videos, please, like subscribe and don’t, forget to hit that little warning bell.