As i know, some of you missed out on the coupon giveaways that we had during the week, but you know what fear not because the ones that i have for you today are completely free, meaning you’re, not gon na need any codes or coupons to download these. The only catch is that these are on promotions that will be ending tomorrow, so that really only gives you another 24 hours to add these to your samsung accounts for free, so make sure you click on the links to them right after our review. Alright guys now, both of these freebies are from the popular and talented developer broda. So you know you’re gon na get both a highly functional and stunning design here, which for me really borders on artistic in nature, because the use of the colors, the textures and all the different display frames and other accents you get. It just makes for an attractive design overall. Now, the one that i’m showing you here is the droid model, which is a hybrid version. Is you have the digital time located off on the right hand, side, and you also have the full date in the same area. Now the rest of your information is spread out on the display in a mix of gauges, as well as digital and analog indicators. Now starting off in that dial to the left is a power remaining indicator again, both in an analog and digital format. Now the bottom half of the face displays a number of health related stats, including your calories burnt.
Your last recorded heart rate, as well as your step count and goal and again the steps goal as well as a calories area, are shown as an interactive gauge, which just enhances the visibility factor even further. Your remaining information is in the top half with a week and a day indicator for the year, and then you get those five different areas. You can change the themes for including your analog hour and minute hands the backgrounds index markers as well as an overlay section. There on the right and lastly, this one also comes pre loaded with two fixed app shortcuts to your heart rate and s: health apps, with an additional four launchers being all customizable. Okay, guys. The next freebie that you can pick up is the equilibrium model and i’m. Not gon na go into detail about this one, as i have reviewed it in the past, but if you missed out on the last promo that broda had on it, then you’re in luck, because you once again have another shot of adding it to your collections. For free and like the previous one, you also get a ton of really stunning theme variations on this one so make sure you get a copy of this too. Alright guys that’s a wrap for this video. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and hopefully you like at least one of these designs, because you know what hey there’s no harm in at least downloading them, and checking them out for yourself.
Just remember that both of these promos are ending tomorrow. So if you want to pick them up, while they are still free, then make sure you click on the direct links to the faces which i have included down below in the video description. Thanks again for watching the review and stay tuned, because we have a very special review coming out tomorrow for the first ever branded and approved watch face inside the galaxy app store. And yes, it will be both a review and a giveaway. So you won’t want to miss it, and please remember to smash that like and subscribe button before you leave i’ll see you guys tomorrow until then take care thanks again for watching our review and if you liked it then show us some love with a thumbs up Subscribe to the channel and share the video with your friends, because, with your support, it really helps me keep the channel going. So i can continue to offer you guys, discounts, giveaways and, of course, fresh content.