This is a watch that i borrowed from my partner just to give a quick video so that you can see how beautiful samsung has really gone in smart watches. This watch is awesome, it’s giant on my wrist, so i wouldn’t go for a giant watch like that, but it’s really really truly beautiful. You have it in two different sizes. You have it in different uh. I think about two or three different um straps. This one is the leather black one, you have the bronze and then you can have the face, also in black, which is what we’ve selected. This watch is very good. You have different watch faces, you know. If you have a look at it, you can just slide it around. I hope you can see, so you can see the clock and then you can move different interface. You can even create a fun. You know display for on your on your watch and the good thing about it. Apart from the basic things that smart watches are supposed to, do it monitors your health, it monitors your fitness. It helps you out with uh when you, the convenience of making or receiving phone calls on the watch, so it has connectivity, you can connect and pair it with your samsung device. Even this can also be paired with your ios device as well. It might not be as interactive as if you paired it with your android, but it works both well.

Then it’s got beautiful, traditional look, so you can wear this with your suits walk. You can wear it out to on a on an outing it’s, so beautiful, it’s, nice and it’s lovely the other, the apple ones. They are sporty. You might not be able to watch. You know wear it out with this suit or when you’re going out or it’s something that is daily living or day to day activities. So, but this one is unique because it has the traditional feel, so it has the um bezel that you can just use. You see like a little grill all around it, and then you can use it to walk around the same way you would move about it takes is easier to navigate your watch and then this watch also monitors your your sleep. He does about two sessions of sleep and you can with this. My partner has been able to control his sleep pattern because sometimes he sleeps not enough. You know his sleep is also, you know staggered you know everywhere, but with this watch on, sometimes he leaves it on in the night just to make sure that is getting the full eight hours sleep. So this watch is very good. It monitors your heart as well and it’s very, very, very good. I i think you know if i was to choose, if i’m, not really partial, to apple products. I would be preferring this, but the design like i said, it’s, not as funky or cool as the apple and then the name as well apple is known in the in the industry as a market leader.

So you know we sometimes want to just go just for ego, and you know our own preferences, like my phones, my laptop or apple products. So i normally choose apple items and my partner, like i’ve shared before, has his laptop and his phone is samsung. So he usually likes android products. So this is a good watch, very, very lovely. With the clock. You know moving the interface i don’t know if you can see and then you can use the bezel as well to navigate around it’s lovely lovely. Very pretty not. It looks a bit masculine, but it’s cool in its own way and it’s solid. The quality is solid, very nice. I would recommend this for anybody any day, so i hope you’ve learned a few things about the samsung watch. This one has a live battery life that lasts for about two days depending on your usage, but the storage capacity i’ve been told, is about. Eight gigabytes is not as big as the apple apple can go as far as 32, so but usually people don’t stop much on their watches. You store most of your things on your phone and you compare it with your phone. So most things come from your phone onto your watch anyway, so enjoy this video, and i hope you comment. I hope you like, and i hope you subscribe to our channel like i said i always bring you good device or appliances that i see out there.

That is relevant to everyday use, even though we’re in food business and any uh gadgets that i see that is useful for my viewers. I usually review them, even if i have to borrow them from my friends and family, so i hope to see you again soon.1dhzn5Lqs28

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