, It has been five days wearing this watch.. At the same time, I was also wearing my primary watch. Watch Pro Classic Classic. I just want to make sure that everything is working. Properly.. Both watches are connected to the same phone so that all notifications come properly.. Lets see how this watch is. Lets start with the strap design.. I wear it a little tight. If you wear a little loose, thats ok. After wearing it for a few days. I felt that my skin was a bit loose., I guess its, because the design here isnt completely flat.. I think its design should be flat as the outside., Because I felt like once or twice that my skin got loose from here. If you would wear it a little loose, then its ok., The rests soft. Its, not that its hard. And it looks similar to Realme Watch 3.. There is only a difference in some specifications here.. Let us find out how much is the weight of this watch.? Its weight is not very much., Its weight is nearly 40 grams. And how about the design? It has the same design as the Realme Watch 3.. Here is. The speaker. Here is the mic. And sensors on the bottom.. Here there is a single button through which you can operate it. Its, not completely metal. Heres, a paint job just like on the Realme Watch 3.. The paint comes off easily here.. If I show you many more popular watches, Noise, Amazfit, Dizo and all other watches that come under this price, You can get solid metal chassis very easily for this price.
. But here such a chassis is given to reduce the weight.. Now lets talk about the display.. I found its display quite exciting.. Its display is super bright.. There is a 1.78 inches AMOLED panel here.. There is a brightness of about 500 nits here.. Here you will get 50 to 60 fps. Here. Its refresh rate is also ok.. Its PPI is also around 325.. Its display is really bright. Throughout the review. I have used this watch with a 60 battery percentage.. There is no option for adaptive, brightness here.. You will have to change it. Manually. 20. 40. 60. Also, I have put the Always on display on here.. The display of this watch is very bright and beautiful., You wont, have any problem viewing it., But here I see a few cons.. You can see that I am trying to operate it now. Right As I swipe it to go to the menu And Im navigating it.. You would have seen it here. Now Ill. Show you how to navigate this watch. Slowly saw. I have to navigate this watch slowly.. What is the cause of this? I cant tell you., You must have also seen what the problem is. Either its a super sensitive touch, display. Or there is some other problem here.. Maybe there is a problem with this unit.. Maybe these things will be fixed., But You can see how gently Im navigating it.. Then it happens By the way you can navigate any watch comfortably.
Its not that Im pressing tightly here., But Not even once did it feel like anything else was open here.. Here you get some pre built watch faces. Its All Black. I put a white wallpaper here to bring a little more black feeling.. If you have synced your watch with the phone, you can change the watchs face.. You have to go to the photos in the face. Gallery., You need to add a watch. Face. Choose from Album Lets use this. Sync to device. Alright Syncing has been completed for the watch face.. Now you can see how the bezels are here.. I think the bezels here are ok., neither too much nor too little Weve. Also seen fewer bezels than this. And at the same price we have seen more bezels than this. So its in between. But the good thing is that there are completely symmetrical bezels. Its not that the bottom or top has too many bezels.. If you prefer black background here, then it will look better. About the notification guys.. Not even once did. I feel that the notifications did not come. Thats, why? I said I wore two watches together.. However, I discovered that when any notification comes, I receive the first notification in Realme Watch 3. And in my Galaxy watch I hear notifications after a second or two.. The applications which are by default come here by name., But the rest of the application is shown by other names. Like here.
Other App is written.. Otherwise There was no WhatsApp here, so I enabled WhatsApp business here.. Then Here the notification of WhatsApp Business will not come from that icon.. That will come from another app. On the sensors over here. You Heart Rate, Spo2 Stress Sleep And Female Health. Maestro Cycle Here you get all these trackings. And I didnt get the accuracy of this watch wrong. Compared to my primary watch. I have also found the accuracy of the Realme Watch to be good in the past. Thats. Why? I think the price of the Realme watch is a bit high.. It is because sensors are well used.. All the data can be seen in the Realme link. App. Here is the health page directly after Home.. You can see everything from here. like How much did you sleep And Just click it., And I have installed this app on non Realmes phone., Just to see how well the accuracy is here. Here, everything is coming, well. And main stuff over here On the exercise stuff. You get an inbuilt GPS in this watch.. You must have known its pros and cons.. If you perform most of the activity in outdoor, It could be anything. Like if you do a workout or do anything.. So you dont need to take your phone with you.. You can do all the things with your watch. Like Strength, Basketball Table tennis. There is support for different types of sports modes.. I liked this feature too.
. I havent counted the steps exactly., But as far as I saw in the rough figure, I thought it was fine., But here let me tell you a bit drawback. like. If you see a Noise watch with a dedicated GPS There, you can track and see the maps in the application itself. To see the maps you will need Google Fit or a third party application.. It is possible that in the future, data with such maps will come in the app of Realme Link itself.. At the moment, I am not able to see which path I have traveled on the map., But nothing like this can be seen here. Here. The feature of Bluetooth calling is also working well. Here. The call or all other notifications come proper. Hello. As far as I have tested, the speaker of this watch is working fine in Bluetooth calling., And there is proper communication on both sides., So theres no problem there. Either. About the battery By charging the watch 100, the company claims that you can run it for ten days.. Today is the fifth day, and now you can see that this watch has a 26 battery left. Seen in this way. You can run this watch for five to six days, even in heavy use.. I think that if you make moderate use of this watch by turning Bluetooth off or on, then the battery of this watch can last for ten days. In terms of battery. This watch is ok.
. I have to charge this Samsung watch everyday morning. After five days of wearing it. I havent even had to charge it. In the end guys.. Should you buy this watch or not By the way? All the features given in this watch are pleasing to me. And All the features given in this watch are also working properly.. There is no half broken or half bit feature in this watch.. Whatever features are there in this watch, they are all working.. Now you have to see that some things are missing. Here., like On the material choice Here, plastic has been used instead of metal.. It is necessary to compromise on some features if you want a solid muscular watch.. The issue I see in the display may be with my unit.. You can check by seeing other reviews.. The display of this watch is super excellent and its battery is also running well.. The connectivity of apps in this watch is quite good.: Notification, Bluetooth, Calling GPS. Everything is working properly here.. As I said, there is no half bit feature here.. I think this watch is worth buying.. If you want an excellent feature, loaded watch, then you can buy this watch.. The rest of the look and design is your personal preference., like Round dial Or A watch with a rotating bezel. You have to see that..