com. I have a tool here that I just got that I'm gon na be using in upcoming reviews of smartwatches in particular, to determine whether or not when they're put under high intensity use like game playing or videos that you could actually check them and see how hot They'Re getting now, I know if you could see on the screen right now, but I have two temperature readings. The upper left is 83 degrees, that's the edge of the band that I am wearing on the lower right. A hundred and seven hundred and 607 it's flashing around over there that's the highest temperature on the screen. You see this device I'm holding, has an infrared camera and a visible camera in it, and the reason I'm showing it to you early now is because this also does a great job taking human temperatures and in a group of people it would immediately show you who Has the highest temperature and what the coolest temperature is in the background, not only that. Well, let me show you in a minute I'm sure you want to know what it is. This thing is called a handheld portable 2.4 inch TFT screen 0.3 as a really small megapixel thermal infrared, imager household thermal imager camera for the household, yes, it's really inexpensive. Comparatively these things usually are the thousands of dollars when they're set up right and, as you can tell you can actually do thermal imaging check. The show notes in the video down below for a link to pick this thing up.
I'M gon na walk through it with you and then I'm going to show you the specs, because I think they'll make a little more sense. Then I got a watch here. This is Genesis. I'Ve got it in an Oregon ban. We'Ve reviewed both of these and I'm playing this thing out to do a battery test, as well as a volume test that's using a canned video gon na run it for an hour and during that time, I've also gon na be checking its temperature and that's, where This device comes in really really handy. This is a small little screen. It has access to two different cameras and can blend two pictures together, and this is a little light that you could turn on if it's a dark area. So let me show you first off, for example, my little shot glass with an ice cube in it as soon as it comes on the picture. Look at that thirty nine point, eight degrees and the edge of it off the screen. A little bit is 82 degrees. So the table is 82 degrees. The ice cubes ', no matter where I move it. It'S gon na hone in on those different temperatures high and low average temperature right here, minimum maximum and a whole bunch of other stuff, including time and the fact that I have a micro SD card in here. That allows me to take pictures, which is what I want to show you right now, to explain how these other functions work.
I got a bunch of pictures in here. Let'S go and take a look at them. Here'S, a Starbucks cup it's, taken with a normal basic picture without any of the infrared readings on there. Although the line here shows you the chart from cold to hot in color of what it would actually portray as an overlay, you got the temperature of the cup in the side, and this is a picture folks. It'S already been shot. Now I go down here's a close up of it: okay and here I'm blending so you're, seeing the colder part of the drink is down at the bottom and it tears up to the upper area. Okay, I'm gon na jump for a second. So you see how the color combinations work here's my foot now. Not only do I have the ability to show the portrayal of the colors, I have the ability to change the actual orientation of the colors. The hottest part of my foot is white in this one. So this particular setup lets me identify in a picture without even monitoring the temperatures the overall gradient from coolest, which is the mat. I was standing on all the way to the hottest part of my foot, but I can change those colors. I can make red be the hottest and it would look like this with green, giving you a defined edge. It might be easier to see a person's temperature, the temperature of their body through their clothes, the contour of what's happening on a watch, that's overheated, your starbucks cup, whatever you're, taking an image of and capturing a picture, but I can change the chart again now here.
It'S really predominantly white at the hottest and blue at the coldest gives you a big definition with high see through ability. So you see the actual picture showing through and the overlay of the heat map isn't as strong. Here we go flip the other way, a different overall contour, and then you have the black and white version where the hotter, it is the whiter it is, and darkest is representative of black. So back to the Starbucks cup, you can go even further. Not only can you blend the picture and the heat map, but you can delete the picture completely and just look at the heat map yeah. So if I were to do that on here, well, let's move the ice cube and come back here to the watch, because this is where I would be doing it on this channel right. This is a straight picture, so I'm, going to add an overlay there's, a tiny bit of color added here from the heat map that you see that chart on the left on the right. Here we go now. I'Ve got a little bit more, showing through now I've noticed I'm a little off center of the two cameras. The thermal camera is showing a little bit lower, so the red circle you're seeing at the bottom, should be right. On top of the picture, I got to do some calibration on the device, but it's actually helpful, because it shows you kind of the two different areas without one masking the other.
There we go. This is the one I often run it in. It shows you a little bit of both and then here is the pure heat map itself. So if I were having trouble with this watch being excessively hot in a particular area, I could go straight into this heat map and see it's, showing that the front of the watch is a hundred and four degrees. While the ambient desk on the side is only 78 degrees and if I were to touch it, yeah it's definitely warm and that's what it's showing in here and when you're in this mode, one click and you're back to the full picture. So a couple of practical examples and then we'll get to the specs that delineate all of this stuff, here's hot water running in a seat simple, as that 131 degrees right there, 72 in the porcelain on the side. Here it is in a different scale. Here it is in yet a different scale. You see, the difference is showing up there and then another one there's, five different ways that can be portrayed on here, including the black and white that's. Just like what we looked at at my foot now. This is kind of obvious water dropping into a sink, but if you had some blockages in the plumbing well, here we are, under this exact, same sink and there's the plumbing going through. Here we have just a little bit of color starting to show I'm using this particular scale, now you're, starting to see the heat map almost like you're.
Looking through the pipe here, we go a little bit more intensity and then, of course, the final one where you could see if you have any heat leakage. Oh you could use this for air conditioning because it works fine with cold as well as hot, but I'm. Primarily showing it to you right now, so you can have your Starbuck now, so you can actually get one of these things, while they're still beautiful, because I got a feeling that instead of running around with a little thermometer thing and touching everybody's forehead that you see You could just end up walking around with this and you're immediately gon na see, temperature readouts live compared to every other point in that picture and you'll know who might have a temperature, oh and – and let me exit out of here and show you that not only That here's my hand right and let me get into a different mode here – you're just looking at my hand, but you see the temperature of it I'm going to intensify it a little bit get into the heat map. There'S, the heat map laying over my fingers and now watch I'm going to move my fingers there's the residual heat map. So, if you're concerned about, did somebody touch something recently? Well, you can have for a little while until it dissipates, you can actually read the heat map when, in the actual picture itself, you wouldn't even see that okay, now we can get on to the specs of this state, there's, no real model number or anything on It so you do need to use the link I'm, giving you in the show notes of this video to head over to banggood and pick it up, because there are, there are a variety of them on the market.
I did a lot of research on this. This is the only unit I found that can show you, those live temperatures right on the screen. Yeah, you can switch them to Celsius as well, Fahrenheit or Celsius. So you have all these different things: five different kinds of pallets for the colors. You have the hybrid imaging, you have micro, SD card capability and you have a USB C or a micro, USB port that you can connect directly to the computer or you can pop the card out and plug it in your computer. You can transfer the images any way you want to anywhere. You want to more of the specs, for double A batteries runs. The whole thing here are the accuracies again. This is consumer, related it's not going to be highly technical. So what you're going to do is get basic guidance information that may help you out in a pinch with this kind of thing and believe me, if I run in the airport or some place, I think I'd like to have this around. If I'm, lingering waiting for a flight to just have a sense, if any of the folks that are near me, might be a little higher in temperature than I'd like to be close to okay it's, a handheld portable TFT screen thermal infrared, imager that's the magic words You want to look for got the little built in light here. I press that button turns on a white light.
So at night, if you're trying to do some imaging – and you can't see it invisible, you can tap that on, but in the dark it will definitely show the heat signature. So you can see animals walking in the bush. If you want to and again look how accurate it is. 37 point 5 degrees right in the ice 79 degrees on the floor, and if I go into the thermal imaging of that you'll see how now is automatically adjusted where hot is normal on the outside. Until I come in the picture, you see how it it adjusts the scale, so the cool part is the ice cube in the bottom and again, if you go into just pure thermal imaging alone, you get a lot of information. Alrighty you have been watching. Smart watch ticks we are a YouTube channel dedicated to Smart Watch technology, and although this is not Smart Watch per se, it is going to be an instrument, a tool that we're going to be able to use to check on smart watches, especially under high levels of Stress and activity, you know a lot of these are coming now with a special setting for gaming, so it's important to know. Oh yeah you're gon na melt your wrist with this thing on. Well, you won't with this kind of a band, but yeah you want to be careful, the heart rate diodes in the back all of that kind of stuff.