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UPDATE: The G3+ is now also available on discount from our partner Gearbest. Use this buying link with Coupon code:GB9% to get it for $66.04. Thanks for your support!
Original Purchasing Link: Use Coupon Code G39UM for $7 discount at checkout.
This G3+ smartwatch has been provided by No.1 for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to No.1 for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this G3+ smartwatch, please use the link listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
By now you’ve seen the Samsung Gear S3 smartwatch. If not, be sure to watch Morry’s excellent review here:
One of the uniques features of the S3 is the rotating bezel which lets you smoothly move through selections on the watch.
In this revised G3 tethering watch, the G3+, No. 1 has added the rotating bezel feature in a very attractive and functional device. Not only can you quickly and easily slide between the various watch faces with a slight twist of the bezel, but you can move through the app drawer to find the app you want instantly, It’s a great enhancement to an already impressive smartwatch.
As you see in the video, there are some beeps coming in from our Smartwatch Team Members who provide tech support over on the Proboards. We all work together in the background so we can provide you the best information possible about these watches and help you troubleshoot problems. In addition to watching these video reviews, you can learn much more by joining the Round Smartwatch Proboard and go much deeper with your watch, no matter which model. You’ll fin the rest of our team here: