com. Fine, now phy now has really been making some amazing watches and doing exquisite packaging as well. They know the holiday season is upon us and they've come up with some great great designs. What you're, looking at in this box is a bluetooth calling apple size and looking wrists comfortable, smart watch, it's called the p20 it's. The 1.65 inch full touch screen. It totally supports bluetooth calls and, of course, activating siri or google or any assistant that you've got programmed in. In addition, you've got all these specs 220 milliamp hour batteries, so pretty good battery life. Uh 240 by 295 rectangular screen it's got a speaker which is a box independent, sound cavity speaker gon na have to check that puppy out heart rate, blood, oxygen, blood pressure, i'm, pretty sure, bluetooth, four uh aluminum ally, alloy, shell and um, using the lay fun app For tethering, okay in terms of specs you've got basic synchronizing for bluetooth, calling with your phone book. You can play your bluetooth music through the watch. That means you can have all your music stored on your phone. Wear your watch and listen to it from your watch and probably podcasts as well and other things that you send over by bluetooth health data transmitted to the app via bluetooth. All of that you've got reminders. Of course, uh dial selection, lots of interesting dials, multi sport capability and on and on and on these are your languages uh for the app and for the uh device itself and here's what we've got the whole watch is laid out fully in the box.
We'Ve got a cover that we can remove and it looks like there's a screen protector on there as well, which you can have on take off another cover over the back. That shows the charging port, the heart rate, diode area, a button down here, a knob here that twirls inside the box we've also got a screwdriver wow. Oh that's got the little uh prongs on it, probably for removing the bands, because they're in there so low yeah there's the little fast quick release. Uh clip right there and you do have replaceable bands on this, but they're really recessed. So that's a good thing to have usb to a very close two pin: connector, not the standard ones. We'Ve seen they're really close together, not too strong, not going to hold the watch, but it does magnetically couple so just make sure when you lay it down that you're you're getting it on there really good and then a tiny little manual with multiple languages. Chinese english page 14., okay, here we go user's manual, just basically shows you charging and connecting the watch and motion information. Your step count your sleep time: Music, heart rate, workout stuff. There you go the blood pressure screen, the blood oxygen screens. Oh, you got weather in here. Okay messages pushed from your phone which are readable on the watch, the music control other features, stop watch sedentary reminders, frequently asked questions. I didn't cover the bluetooth calling, so i guess we'll have to check that all on our own.
All right, let's charge it up and turn it on well by now, we're pretty much all connoisseurs of these square apple sized watches. Some even look just like the original, with the round button and at the little pillbox button at the bottom. So what's special about this one. Why does this one favor over all the others we'll explore that as we dive into this one? First of all, there's one of the watch faces. It is set up already tethered to the phone so it's, going through connecting and now we're there and let's just see what we've got. If i scroll down i've got my battery level, do not disturb i've got the uh silent mode here looks like it's a microphone to activate siri, but it's, not vibration mode. There and bluetooth is on and locked. I can turn it off right there. So that's that way coming up. This is where you sync for um your phone calling and uh music playing and such, and i have to do that in order to be able to get that part of it. Working remember on these devices that incorporate a speaker and a microphone you have to bluetooth tether twice once to the app for all the phone or watch functions and the second one for your standard, bluetooth. Tethering, like you, would with your earbuds. If you had a set of earbuds going on okay, so we've gone up and down. If i go this direction, i've got pedometer information there's my step count it's supposed to be showing me, i think, throughout the day a bar chart, but of course i haven't walked much so there's.
Not much to see here is hit the last historical records for heart rate, i've done a couple of them same thing for blood pressure, it's showing you in really tiny numbers 107 over. I don't, know 92, or something like that. It'S showing you the uh numbers newest on the left, i believe, and it zeros out so it doesn't show you big digits of your last reading, but it's ready to take another reading. You come over here. You got your sleep, monitor information and it looks like you get some sort of a chart throughout the night. You have deep sleep and light sleep and that's it. You get those three four panels. Your uh watch face which we can change simply by pressing and holding and then selecting one of a variety of other ones, here's, one no animation, but it does have some nice colorful digital ones, and i think we've also got oops. I moved over. There we've got some other uh analog ones: digital ones, there's a really nice digital there's. The earth does that one spin, nope it's just stationary and a few more um we won't, go through all of those okay swiping off to the right. You get a calendar. You get your weather and i've, never seen weather like this it's, showing me a date of january 1st 2020 and i can go forward to january, 2nd and 3rd, and it looks like it's giving me historical data in centigrade for shins in china on specific days back In january i don't know how to do anything else with this and it doesn't look like i could set it up in the app so for what it's worth i'm, showing you what the watch does and that's it.
So we've got weather here here and then these panels there so where's the app drawer. He says you press the button to get back press it again and now we're into all of the apps. You don't swipe into them, and we've got quite a few chiclets in here there's, no way that i can see to make the pretty bubble. Uh type of a menu on this apple look alike, watch it's, all gon na be in these squares and right now it looks like we're too bright, so i'm gon na go into our settings and go into our display and change the brightness all the way down To one all right sure, i'll show you what fulbright is that's all the way up, it's completely washed out. It does get really bright, so that's, a good thing so bright that i got ta literally be down at the very bottom says not to wash it out. So you can see here we can set the system timeout from as little as five seconds to 60 seconds on this one, which is good. I can swipe all the way back and while we're in settings you've got volume, i got it all set up to the loudest, it can go for the demo coming up, uh, six, six and six. You got different sounds for you know your um phone calling or texting and such uh your clock settings in the overall bluetooth settings to tether this thing.
So now, we're back here, if i go in here, i get my phone dialer pad for making a call. Remember this is bluetooth calling as long as you tether the bluetooth directly like you. Would the earbuds here's your phone logs messaging, then you get into uh blood pressure, which we already saw in that other panel and heart rate. Uh is available coming up and then blood oxygen has its own little panel too, but it's not available when you swipe. So the only way you can test and see blood oxygen is when you get in here. This is the weakest link of this thing. This is the um, the fitness section, and woe is me it is really lame. I got to be honest with you here we go i'm starting it's, going to give you step count heart rate and calories burned over time, that's, okay, a lot of them do that and that's the best you can do without a gps, but normally when you stop It it saves it and then you can transfer it to the phone, but i've done a couple of these and when i uh, when i save it, how do i save it? Okay, nothing happens here, so i have to press the button and if i exit it saved it and there it is, it shows running and then there's other events that i could go into. I did a cycling actually why it says two seconds is: i did an hour and a half cycling one and then i left it and then i came back and i thought if i touch it, i'll go back in and uh, oh no it's.
Starting up again. Oh no and sure enough, it started up it, wiped out the previous record and now it's doing another cycling, one which is only giving me heart rate and calories. The only way out of it is to hit stop, and now i see cycling with 10 seconds. So what you see on the screen is the time duration of the most recent event that you did and i have not found a summary anywhere. These are just the different activities. So useless is an understatement for using this thing, if you actually think you're gon na get a a run in, you can forget it because when it's over uh, all you could do is glance at it. It'S gon na show you your current heart rate, not a cumulative heart rate, your total calories burned and your total time and your total number of steps, but they're lost, like i said as soon as you exit out of it all that's gone. All you have left is the time yeah not happy. Um. Last night's sleep time information. We saw the panel on that there's, the remote music player there's, your phone call uh logs the of your your calls that you've placed or have come in and all that's moved over from. Your watch. Excuse me from your phone to the watch like it always is. In bluetooth, calling you've got that little bitty calendar there, but you can't go any deeper into it. It'S just a monthly calendar for review.
You got a stopwatch which is okay, uh, but you can't really leave it. Oh hey! We left it well let's see if it's still, if it's still running, hey it's running well, now that's nice, a lot of watches once you leave them they're not going to run in the background. This one seems to be so we're going to leave it there for a minute. We just went into settings here's sedentary reminders. If you want here's your remote capture with android or ios, is what it's saying there's that silly weather thing i'm still stuck in the shins. In and no way to change it, um you've got alarms, find your phone messages. Facebook is in here when you're all tethered up properly with that this thing is the qr code to scan for the proper app now i'm, really leaving it here, because you may want to scan it you're going to get a bunch of chinese. But if you pick the one that says either ios or google you'll be able to see which of the le fun apps you're going to need, because there are two and it's not clear in the manual i'll show you that in a second we've got a calculator In here, as well, which is a decent size, digits kind of nice to have not many watches, have calculators these days, we've got your pedometer information again there's phone call directly. I guess here is your heart rate. Now, they're, all scattered around.
You saw how blood pressure and blood oxygen and heart rate are now in different places on and you can't push and hold and move these around so personally, i'm, not really thrilled with the layout in here all being on one screen not being grouped in phones and Health and other things, but it is as it is – here's uh – the bluetooth tethering i'm, tethered to my phone we're, going to see that in a second here's the warning, if you're not tethered – and i guess i am and then here's uh the siri thing, which is How i'm going to demonstrate the audio for you in just a moment, and that is the watch uh. Let me pull over the phone. Show you the app so when you go in and um put in, lay fun in the google play store. You'Re gon na come up with a whole list of apps and there's, two of them in here les fun health and lay fun where it turns out, lay fun. Where is the one that you're going to want to install, which i already have installed, and we open it and it's going to activate it? Bring it up here, it's in that reverse video, so i'm, getting all kinds of reflections on here. Unfortunately – and this is the home screen that gets – you started there's no login on this, so none of the data is going to be saved to the cloud.
If you want to look at it later, if you change phones or delete the app it's all gone as far as i can tell so, i've got my step count. I can pull it down to refresh it. It tethers it back. It updates it. I'Ve got it in feet: steps and calories, burned and that's different, not in miles um steps and sleep time and heart rate and energy, which is your calories burned in blood pressure are shown on this screen. But oh there we go okay. I guess i can go into it. I can start remotely doing a heart rate and it shows you the last one or the ones that i've done so far. Oh bailed out of the app completely um wow. How do i get back that's, my back button? I guess i go back to health i'm in hell. I go back to sport. This is crazy. This app is definitely not well thought out honestly uh there's, this whole sports section here. If you activate it you're doing sports from the phone not from the watch and i don't believe they're tied. Why did it do that? I don't believe they're tied in together as most apps are: okay let's touch on the heart rate. There we go, it wants access, uh, wow, all right anyway. You see where we're going with this. I can come back here. Message: push synchronize weather. Oh there we go. Maybe that's what needs to happen? We'Ll see if that updates it uh synchronize all data, all right let's! Do that it's showing that thing going off there and if we're, lucky we're, getting it all synchronized on here, but i'm still stuck in the heart rate, and i can change days, but i don't know how to get back to the main page.
This is how you can export things: sport, okay, here's, one that's, showing trends all right now, we're at least getting something: we've got some charts starting to grow here. Steps mileage and calories burned. Last night's sleep time, there's a dot for heart rate, there's, a dot for blood pressure and all of these charts are available and then there's your personal information and my device, which isn't really where you can do a lot of changes and things to the parameters like You'D expect um target setting is just your basic step target, so the app is like a very beginning app. It doesn't have a lot of depth to it. I haven't been able to see how to turn on the twist your wrist to change uh to brighten the screen or to set it up so that you could do it, so it doesn't light up during the night. None of that's there in any of these overall settings and when i go back to health i'm kind of stuck in the last thing that i was in without a way back, huh huh, okay, find the watch play the button. Oh there you can hear it. You hear it that's full volume game, so i think now is about the time to demonstrate the picture to you uh the picture i mean the the sound and how it comes out from the watch. Temperature is 95 wow. Don'T know where that is, but okay we've got uh 95 degrees somewhere uh yeah let's head over here to our siri, which of course i'm using google on this one and i'm gon na press the button, and it brings it up now to activate it.
I need to press and hold for siri tell me something about miami florida and it's processing, they're kind of that tricks. Let me show you do you want me to help you pick something or should i just surprise, you surprise me: okay, try this one! Thank you! You'Re welcome, okay. What can i say if this thing had a big bright, brilliant, sound to it and really worked well as a watch or uh assistant activator? That alone would be a great reason for getting it um. The watch bands are removable. You see that, but you got to really get in there with that little tool to take it out. Uh, i don't know maybe it's saying the watch is too hot temperature 96 degrees uh yeah. Can you see that okay um not sold on this one? Honestly? I'M? Really a bit disappointed if i now put something like this out with the app the way it is and with the watch but it's it's, a nice design, it's got the nice brushed side to it and, of course, the button. Oh, by the way, the button does not activate when you twirl it. I mean we've, seen so many cool apple style. Looking watches now that um, i feel, like i stepped back a couple of years in first generation, but it is as it is, and let me tell you if you like it it's yours, fine, now, uh p40 is available, like all the other ones, from their aliexpress Store we'll have a link for you in the show notes.
It'Ll take you right to this buying page and we encourage you to use our link because that way they know you saw a review over here as a precursor to buying it um. I can say the price is really good for a bluetooth calling um an activation, siri type of a watch. It has some good things going for it as long as you don't need to do fitness anyway.