So let’s start. So the first thing you need to do is you know your usb cable that came with the smartwatch. You just take it and there’s a usb port right over here. As you see you open it from here, just a sec. It takes a minute or two. So this is a usb port and i just take our usb cable, the small end and plug it in and also connecting, and it will charge and it’ll connect, so it’s connected and we are going to go into this pc and there’s. This file of we tech and we click on that and there’s this file, i don’t think it’s really a file but it’s called download website, and if we tap on that, this will pop up here we choose which smart watch we have. I have kitty zoom, dx2 and i’m doing this on windows, so tap on that and we’re going to save this file and let’s open the file. Yes, we need to click yes over here and next, so set up wizard. Okay, okay, just need a second there and next again so it’s downloading. It takes some time and then next again, oh finish there. Okay, so you just need to wait a second until it pops up there that’s, where you actually download everything right over there. So it’s loading right now: okay, okay, click; okay, there right over there; okay, so only parents are supposed to do this, not kids.
So for me my parents are doing it right now, so make your parents do it so right now we just need to accept everything. They say say: i agree and fish and everything here you need to fill in the things they ask you the details and you’re done, but i already have an account so i’ll just sign it with existing account and i typed in my address and everything, and i Log in and then i click on my smart watch right over there and it pops up with my name right over there and we tap on that and right on this top on the sidebar. It says: download center home. My downloads update my you can see zoom smartwatch dx2, we click download center it’s loading again just a few seconds. It’S gon na pop up in a few seconds coming right up. Oh there so there’s. These are all the apps clock, face themes, camera effects, themes for tools, apps and games; character, themes, action, apps, whoa, lots of apps, but right now i want apps and games, because i want a few more games because i have a lot less. So these are some of the games second page, and these are some of the other games for now. If i look till now i’m thinking, i want the free draw right over here. So i’ll add it to cart, and i check it out. It’S kind of like checking out a book from the library, but the difference is you get to keep it so we go to download card and check it out and there’s.
This thing that’ll pop up in a second or two right right now: it’s loading there’s, a lot of waiting involved, proceed with otter but it’s worth waiting because don’t you want to download some apps there. I typed, in my account password and now all we need to do. Is click continue, Music, we agree and download. Now this is exciting. Okay, um! If you want an updated version, you need to click yes um, but i right now i don’t want an updated version. I don’t really want it because i don’t know what will happen if we update so yeah right now. We need to click free draw, so the check mark appears there oops oopsies, okay, there and transfer it to our creation. Smartwatch it’s completed yes and we click okay right over there and there it’s in our crazy smartwatch it’s pretty easy actually. But if you want to remove a few apps, you don’t want there’s. This remove button here and it’s called farmkeeper and i do not like it and we click it. And yes, because i do not like it and it’s back in our library and if we decide if we change our mind and decide, we want it again. We just click it and it’s back in our kitty: zoom smartwatch, so yep i’m in home right now. So this is how you do it so before you plug it out. You click on the re check, one and there’s a button over here that says eject you tap on it and it’s gone after that.
You can safely unplug your kitty, zoom smartwatch there easy okay guys! So if you want to know where you downloaded your apps, let’s open it and if you swipe there there’s that button that has eyes a green arrow pointing to eyes and it’s all in a file. If you tap on that, there that’s the app we downloaded it just pops up and there you go, you can play with it now. Bye, see you for my next video. I made another video that’s, the review of the wii tech kitty, zoom smart watch.