com you're, about to see what's inside this box, but something changed after I finished the review and I've had to do the intro all over again, because the price you're, not gon na, Believe the price and the price just went down folks. What you're about to see is a really good price on this thing and it's in what they call a promotion or flash sale or something and it's at that price. But I got a lower one for you, but here's the gig you got ta actually wait. I think until the promo price expires or is done in order to apply the coupon you'll find in the show notes to get this thing for 14 bucks. 13.99 yeah. So what you see in the video it's all good stuff, but the price is wrong as long as you wait it out and pick it up in the little window of time, starting in just a few days through oh about a month or so I'll have the Specifics in this show note you can try with the coupon, but if it doesn't work, just wait, til the promos over and try it again. Here we go where's my cheaters here they are 17 bucks 16.99 for the price of a pair of non prescription glasses for reading or driving. You can get yourself a health band, the baekje t1 thermometer built into it, ECG, built into it blood oxygen. In this thing, heart rate blood pressure on and on and on sports all kinds of things for maybe even cheaper.
If I can get you a coupon for it, but no more than 17 bucks out the door use this Bluetooth. 4.2 it's ties to the wear fit 2.0 app, which is a pretty decent app, will show you that it links up with all these different languages for support ip67 waterproof. This thing isn't isn't waterproof for 500. You got support for all of these things twist your wrist to see the time it's got music control, brightness control, energy sensor for your step, count pretty decent little thing and we're gon na go through and play with it and I'll be able to show you how You set up produce your own ECG chart, set it up as a PDF, and you can export this, send it to your doctor yourself, whatever you want really fun right, let's dive in all right now the review is stuck that's, my toe actually. Now the review there's. Just no shame here review is starting it's called smart band. What my point there, because YouTube puts the time down here in the corner, and if you make note of the time those of you that get really frustrated, because I take forever to open the darn box. I'M, opening the box make note of the time box open. Here we go okay, I didn't she threw the box on the back. We got some information about it and a QR code for downloading we're fit 2.0 and a manual and a band in a bag, and that folks, is it it's all we get for fifteen.
Sixteen seventeen dollars take it out here. It is look at it. After we page through the manual, this is one time. It'S gon na be important that I put the manual on the screen, because some of the stuff is a little tricky to figure out and you might not want to refer back to the manual so let's take a moment to go through it together. Show you are the components of the device and show you the different steps of the things that you're gon na go through in the functions. Temperature is the real confusing one for me and I can't wait to play with that, for you guys and have you comment if you don't mind on how the heck it works? Okay, here's a little bit more specifications and the final part – and I think the rest of it is all in Chinese on the backside. Yep. Okay, the band itself has a little cover. We take off there's no charge that came with it because you pop off the end where the metal plate is and you're charging pins are here. You simply plug that in a USB port and it charges it up, got great battery life I've run it all night. Long with the continuous monitoring system on and get at least a couple of days of life out of it, the band is rubberized now let's turn it on press and hold, give it a couple of seconds vibrates and it comes up.
So when you put it on, it looks like this basically I'll be putting it on to do some of the testing sleek nice plastic screen. Yes, it could be scratched it's, 17 plastic, overall design, heart rate diode here, and the plates two of the plates for the ECG and possibly temperature will go there in a minute and a front plate that you use, for your opposite hand, to collect the ECG information And as you step through it, you go through all of the things that can do let's play with that it times out. Of course, you've got temperature date battery life time and so far your step count on this watch face. If I press and hold tap, I got an analog watch face which shows nothing but the time or another digital one that focuses on heart rate, which unfortunately doesn't update regularly otherwise I'd love to have this face with a live heart rate on it. But it does show you your last heart rate, Bluetooth, tethering connection and your battery and date and stuff ER on that face. But I particularly like this one because it's nice and bright and easy to see so I'll put it there touch it again. It locks in you cycle through you, get your step, count, calories, burned and distance travel. Just like you saw in the little one minute clip. Then you can get into heart rate now. A drawback is all of these are showing zero.
It doesn't show you your last results: heart rate, blood pressure, blood, oxygen, immune reference, which is interesting in a percentage. The near temperature degrees Celsius have not been able to change that and the place where you do. Your ECG, which collects the data but doesn't, show it on the band it's only 17 dollars, but it does send it to the app and you can print it out like it. Just showed you last night's sleep time or if you catnapped it'll, show that two messages tethered to your phone up to three of them. It will send that to your band and you can read them and the sports section and if I press here I get into just a few running and writing and climbing basketball, football and then back and basically the way these things work. Press and hold is it's. Gon na give you your step count from the pedometer calories and distance traveled against time, okay and the other ones that you don't have step count like cycling and basketball and stuff it's, just gon na be calories versus time, computation it's the way most of these work And we don't want to pause. We want to stop and press and hold and we're out of here and press here to go back. You get the flow of it. Okay, so that's, you know it's basic, but a lot of Fitness's bands that's. Basically, all they do function has six different things in it.
You'Ve got a stopwatch. Your find your phone when you're tethered to the phone music player, remote music. Now that you can play and pause your music from your watch, brightness control, which, if I press and hold, can show you it's pretty good right now, but I can bloom it way up, see how that's almost white there and then there's the lowest level even shows Some flicker for the timing between the screen and the camera, so I was running it on it's got a good range. It doesn't get really really dim or really really bright, but it is viewable outdoors. The band is called the t1 when you tether it, and you could turn it off from here that's how you turn it off it's kind of crazy. You have to go all the way there to turn it off, but you do it's in the land of functions. The last thing, and then we loop back up here – you can't go backwards either you can only go forward through them, so that's the overall functions. Now let me tell you a couple of things that I've discovered with it accuracy I don't know it's kind of, like my glasses, the prescription ones, there they're finding exactly the center pupil of your eye and that's, where they put the marker on here and then the Whole lens is built around that. So, if you look left right up down, everything is perfectly in focus. Well, I kind of think it's like that on here when you do a heart rate, a blood pressure, all those kind of things you're getting data, but I wouldn't say it's gon na be crystal clear, like glasses, you get from the grocery store or the drugstore it's It'S gon na be reasonable to give you feedback to work with and that's it.
You wouldn't use a seventeen dollar band to determine if you're having a heart attack or your blood pressure is gone sky high or any of that stuff. But you could look at the data, get to know it and how well it works with your calibrated values. Obviously, if you're interested in health, you have some other way of reading your blood pressure and your heart rate use those and compare it with this and if there's a correlation – and this is spot on – are always five too high or five too low, then you just Adjust if it's all over the band you know like it was a hundred and eleven right now, while I'm talking to you guys, you know: that's, unreasonable, 70s, that's, fair right now, I'd say I'm between 65 and 85. This is right. This is good long as you keep holding it. It keeps going, but eventually it'll, it'll, vibrate and time out and if you just touched it and started it and it'll vibrate there, it did it just vibrated that's. My last reading, then it'll turn off and start everything over again and when you cycle through you do not see 67 you'll see zero again. It'Ll actually start it over. Oh here's blood pressure. Since we are stuck at home, we may as well take the time to go through it vibrated a second by taking my finger off of it now. Blood pressure is different and again it's using the green diode on this one, and the heart rate is easy.
It'S the blood pulsing through your capillaries right and it's, looking at the change in light that's, giving you a signal of some sort with a peak on it and a bottom and it's measuring the time between those Peaks and it's averaging it out and that's your heart Rate blood pressure is done differently. Come on. Give me your eating. I haven't have felt it vibrate, yet it does take a longer time and you're supposed to be still and quiet there. We go 120 over 71 reasonable, but uncle ticks is usually a little high in the blood pressure department. Like 130 135 111. It just jumped too that's a big difference, but you know, if you take it with a cuff a lot of times. You'Ll get two or three radically different readings: they're, just vibrated came back to 120 over 79 blood oxygen right here, different thing. I was hoping that it had the red diode in it because we all know if you've been watching the channel that when you use a red diode, it gets better accuracy for blood oxygen. But it will figure out the numbers when you're using a green diode. Now, blood oxygen is always really high from 93 to a hundred, usually is a good number if you're in good condition. This also has become something really critical these days with the corona virus, because shortness of breath is one indicator and when you have shortness of breath you have lower blood oxygen.
If it gets too low, you could be in real trouble and you need to be put on oxygen or maybe even a ventilator. So having a reading of blood oxygen is valuable. Having an accurate reading is even more valuable. Is this accurate? I don't know this is reasonable. Ninety seven, to a hundred. If it dropped down to eighty or sixty five there, it vibrated, then I'd worry but it's, not and so I'm getting a blood oxygen reading. Take it. I won't see so much with a grain of salt, but with cautious optimism that it may be something you could use this. I have no clue. I'Ve never seen a watch, do an immune reference. I'Ve seen what have I seen I've seen heart rate variability I've, seen, fatigue we've, seen that on different watches, we've seen a few other things that are kind of related to that stress, but immune reference. I can't even begin to explain to you what I think this is. I know I don't know I'm know I'm, not even gon na go there, you go there. You got a better shot at it in your imagination than I do, but uncle's little on the yeah. I haven't put my age and height and weight and gender and everything in it. So it doesn't know you know I'm, a millennial or double millennial, so it's not computing on that it is bouncing around and changing. I presume it's using the optical because I'm not having to touch the plates to make it happen, but it's coming up with a percentage number on a good day when I'm feeling great, is it gon na be higher or lower, or what I don't know: vibrated stopped 71 that's my immune reference.
It goes back to zero and I don't see anywhere on the app where the immune reference is referenced. So we'll look at that when we get to the app here. We go the temperature press and hold temperature reference. I can hold it or I cannot hold it, either way, I'm going to get a reading. Now we did review some other bands and another one that I had was pretty cool. It had a plate at the top and you held that plate to your forehead. After you touch the button to activate it there we go thirty six point: two degrees centigrade, can't get it in Fahrenheit, so you guys that can convert should tell you that it's human warmth it's in the neighborhood right right. When I take this, you got a minute good. I got all day. How long is my tape gon na last let's find out I'm gon na scooch all the way, through here I'm gon na come back to temperature I'm gon na press and hold I'm gon na. Let go while I continue talking to you pressing, pressing hello. Nothing happens, however, if by touch one play, I went to the ECG let's get back to temperature if I touch a plate in the back and press and hold it vibrated. Now, if I take everything off, we find out whether it's taking the temperature of thin air right and I've done this before and I'll tell you it's gon na vibrate, but not show a temperature and I've tried it a lot of different ways: I've.
They are just vibrated, I have activated it and I've held the front plate only and I get zero there. Just vibrated I've activated it and I'm touching one metal plate, that's the only thing I'm touching here, not two of them. Don'T know if it's working with some form of ECG, but if only one plate is touched there, it vibrated. I got a temperature, I have also activated it there. It vibrated, and I put my finger just over the light and try not to touch the plates to see if it's, using the photodiode and in a moment it vibrates and it it. It gives me a temperature. So, ladies and gentlemen, how the heck is it working and it's relatively thirty, six point: something's a 37 relatively believable? Is it just picking numbers out of thin air but it's not measuring thin air, but it needs at least one plate touch, but not a complete circuit. Baffling totally baffling well worth 17 bucks just for the curiosity of it all, but wait there's more and there's that last one afterwards, the ECG. So for this I need to have it on and which is easy to put in the buckle: lots of little holes. It'S, a cheap band, it honestly is it's just kind of a tight silicone band, but it's okay. It holds nicely there and ECG press and hold it vibrates and it's measuring now. I do have to keep my finger here. If I take my finger off it's going to stop and it won't get the measurement and there's only one setting and it's 60 whole long seconds so I'm gon na come back after I take a little pause and we'll pick it up again.
There. It vibrated successful measurement with a checkmark which means it's captured. The data is holding it in memory and it's gon na send it to the app which we're gon na segue to right. Now, the tethering app for this watch band is the where fit 2.0. When you first put it in, you need to create an account, get it all set up and after you've done all that you need to go in and and bind the thing. Oh it's, just jumping too fast on me here and you'll get this main page here. You'Ve got a home, you got a me and then you've got the sinner thing when you press that button it's gon na bring up, take an exercise, find your bracelet or go into a remote photography mode. So this thing can work with a shake your wrist to to take a picture type action. Really nice overall robust app says I got about seven hundred and fifty two steps on it and we're done with this so press and hold to get out of it and back here sports function. There we go back to time 792, so we are connected and everything is matching up. Let'S go through all of this stuff and show you the different things, starting with the ECG, since we were on that here. It is I press this button and I can click to measure or I can go into history and in the history. It'S got the ones that I've done and I'm pretty sure that's.
Why? You need to create an account because it keeps those things up in the in the cloud for you. I here we are the new one just popped in right there. So let's take a look at what happened. While I was doing that showing you the chart here and it's ticking across the screen for one minute, it's showing the calculate heart rate, it's got the measurement criteria on it, the date and time, and it gives you a synopsis which is really nice. You have your ECG range, normal scope, a hundred percent faster or lower too fast or too low. So if you suffer from a fib or any things like that, um, you might again qualified check it out to see how accurate is for you. I can't attest to the accuracy, but the philosophy is: if you're having afib II kind of stuff going on, you may be able to see a percentage of the time over the 60 seconds that you were in these different ranges. So it's checking the ECG range. Then you got rhythm, the rhythm aspect of it is what's. That word are are puggly. I think it means. Roughly I don't know normal rhythm hundred percent, but here's your suspected arrhythmia or premature, beat and suspected atrial fibrillation is, is here as a percentage? So if you're seeing this thing going, kitti Wampus, you know that we're great or this one's going haywire. Then you know you may have something that's going to lead you to take action to check on the condition of your heart.
If you don't get this and it's, always normal that's telling you that it may not be accurate and you're gon na proceed to get some information more detailed and more in depth about your heart right either way. The toy is just for experimental purposes only, but for 17 bucks, what a bunch of fun a measurement confusion and how to judge your heart information. You can free streaming: okay, okay, I'll, get it upright and read that at your leisure and that's, just the ECG part. If I hit the PDF there's, the whole darn thing, which is just I won't say just like, but very similar – obviously different – look at just the beginning of the top one it's, not a fake waveform folks, it's, a true waveform and the thing about these ECG readings Is they're using a standardized Texas Instrument chip to create the wave form, so they just drop in a chip and China isn't not messing with it. As far as I understand other than fun do pro. If you get a watch that tethers the fun do pro they're, a hundred percent fake I've mentioned that before the charts are all identical and there is no ECG, even though it pretends that it's taking one that's the only exception, all the other apps, all the other Devices seem to be producing realistic information and when I checked with my doctor, he was surprised at the level of accuracy on the subtle stuff that that shows up in these things as well anyway, that's the ECG you get the full chart.
You can export that thing out and of course, you've got history of all of your different readings captured right on the device as well, so you can take them over time. I think it'll only store one at a time in the band it may store. More than that, I haven't really played with it come on there. We go okay, we're back. You also can initiate an ECG right here and it will be live let's. Look at the other features. Last night's sleep time, simple little thing you wear the band to bed. It'S gon na show you three categories, your deep sleep, light sleep and a wake time. I did get up and hit to the bathroom a little before midnight. As far as I remember, okay, so it's got that and you can go back day by day here and see your previous days. I'Ve tried this. For a few days now there was just a catnap there's, another day's worth and it'll. Do it as little as one minute, it looks like the little thin thing there and how do I get into this? This is poor sleep. You can get into the whole thing and you can see the breakdown there's two minutes: five minutes of the zones and the time that that happened. I was awake at exactly midnight, sixteen to midnight seventeen, so you have great detailed data on your sleep which a lot of them don't provide for you heart rate, simple enough.
You get in here it's showing the times you took it when you took it manually, which I've done by doing a single testing or it'll do every hour. Let you know if you're slightly high or slightly low. While I was asleep, my resting heart rate is typically around 50 to 55, so that looks accurate, here's yesterday and so forth. So you got a really nice historical record. You also have the daily chart that you can look at it's early in the day so far and a weekly and a monthly and here's the spread of my readings over this week so far for heart rate, normal abnormal the percentage time. I sure this stuff is accurate because it really would be cool, there's, great great data stratification on here. If they had this kind of data on the virus, I think they'd have a real easy time of opening up the country. This cuts at every different way. Okay, here same thing, every hour is the blood pressure reading that it's getting that looks weird huh and it's a normal over estimate, abnormal blood pressure here at midnight 184 over 92. So it is discriminating and giving you a textual result, as well as the actual measurement result and again you've got daily information, there's the low and the high and some data points along the way and the weekly range and the percentage of time and number of times Normal and abnormal that were taken and where you fit on this average blood pressure got that point: heart rate blood pressure, blood oxygen.
This is done a little bit differently and the layout it's, showing you your percentages here, good low high. All that kind of stuff you can do single testing and you can go into a continuous, real time measurement. I didn't mention this but for blood oxygen, and I know for heart rate you can leave this turned on now in the event that you are or have a positive tested, coronavirus person at home in the hospital wherever you don't want to get near them. But if you can get this on them and you can go into real time blood oxygen, it's possible, i don't yeah, you take it the where you goes after that with your mind, okay, I don't want to imply anything here, but I did mention earlier that blood Oxygen levels in the body are important and if they drop too low, they can be a problem. It takes a while to get the first reading so it's going to go around so having the ability to monitor blood oxygen on a regular basis to see if there's something coming up. It could be a good idea that's. All I could say it could be a good idea, it's, something that you know about that gives you some feedback for looking in on the patient or taking more radical steps, if necessary. Okay, now it's doing real time and it's bouncing around you see taking different numbers. As far as I know, it does not set an alarm but it's within Bluetooth range, so you could have this outside their bedroom if they're in a bedroom and monitor it in the kitchen or whatever, whatever works for you, it's just it's a it's, a capability that This seventeen dollar band has with its tethered app.
That is pretty darn amazing. By my estimation, as long as the data is accurate, that's the key thing and that only can be determined through time, so we can close that and again we see that here real time measurement in heart rate, and it is, I put it on for like hours And it it just keeps running and there's even real time. Measurement for blood pressure really be leery on this, when blood pressure is often so far off the chart that it's not going to be helpful, but blood, oxygen and heart rate really could be you're still with me. Everybody awesome, I know where else you're gon na go right. Fatigue. I'M thinking fatigue is the same as that immune response. Let'S do a simple test: it it's a supposedly a percentage on the other test, wasn't it now. These are unless that's percentage. These are little individual numbers I'm, just sitting here with the band on there's Noth. Nothing lit up on it, there's no indication of what's going on it's a 30 second test, and uncle is 23 good condition, so the lower the better 120 would be bad there's. My daily trend in good condition, 25 average highest, was 50 Louis 12 and on a weekly scale, here's my highs and lows. I have mild fatigue and so forth so that's. Another measurement you have access to trend. Analysis is what you can do after you establish a baseline for a week and then see if life is getting more fatigued or less and how things are changing for you now, wake up come back whatever you do and come look at the screen for a second.
This is where it gets really fun. You got to make sure you're on Wi Fi, which I am. I hope these next things are awesome I'm gon na jump here to Cove it 19 global pandemic on an app. We actually have the global pandemic real time report and folks it's real time it's tied into where fit it's all of the numbers globally. Here the global pandemic trend as we're watching this on Wednesday April 22nd, that's active cases, total cases of deaths and recover. You got it in a chart for China and other locations are shown and you've got your daily new cases. You'Ve got them by all the different countries on here, and you got the breakdowns by North America, Europe and so forth. Since I'm, in the United States here's, the USA numbers 700000 active cases, total of eight hundred and twenty six thousand we're, almost up to a million by the time you watch this. I bet it's over a million 45000 deaths and total recovered and then there's more. When you tap on that, you can go then into the charts and stuff that are showing you all of the data and so forth. That goes along with that. So lots and lots of information available in just that. One tab: the kovat 19 there's, a World Health Organisation response fund. You can go in there, learn about it, make a donation. If you want to, then we have health punch and health calculator.
Those things you need the web for. So do you on this one? I think health punch is interesting. This is where you can kind of create your health diary. Your workouts, if you went to bed early, got up early eating breakfast napping eating fruits and vegetables drinking more water, smoking learning! You know like you're doing right now you get credit for three hours, even though this is only one because it's intense information and if you're, not angry, which is really important when we're all hunkered down together. So you can add things to it. You can explore this on your own suggest. You just go ahead and download the app and get started with these things, because these you can do even without the seventeen dollar ban for free health. Calculator now brings up these little tabs and you can compute your body mass index. Your weight base metabolism all these kind of things, your body, circumference body, fat rate, protein calculation. These are based on data that you put in nothing derived from the band your height, your weight, your age, your altitude, your I don't, know just mess around with them and see what they do, but these are calculators that you can. You can use at your disposal muscle potential really fun stuff to mess with, and that is basically the overall homepage here, but wait there's more see. I pull it down and it's going to synchronize again to the band to make sure it's updated it's.
The latest data, like the ECG report, those kind of things, although I think they go automatically there's two more buttons. I want to show you in here there's measure and there's. We report measures simple, I tap here and now, instead of doing individual measurements, I can do one single measurement and get my heart rate: blood pressure, blood, oxygen and fatigue, those four things in about a 30. You want to see it. Okay, I got time what the heck I don't have to hold the plate because it's not using the ECG part, I don't have to see the screen because it's doing it in the background, you could do this with your loved one who's recovering or working wave. The way through the virus or the flu or whatever just have this on their arm, you don't need to disturb them. You don't need to the it won't light up and wake them up, really fun way of being able to remotely monitor well being in health. It takes a full minute. It looks like cuz I'm still rambling about this, and you have an export button up here in the corner that you press that and you're able to send the data or the information out as well. So perhaps your doctor or health practitioner is also wanting you to monitor this and keep them updated. This should allow you to do that. Okay, it's, taking longer than I thought it should but it's calculating a lot of stuff they're, just vibrated on the app and it's filled it all.
In now. Okay measurement done there's the date 71 heart rate 122 over 70 for blood oxygen and fatigue level hit that well. That would get you to a page of all the different things that you have, that you have available, that you can send information like this out to. Okay, that's a single measurement, and the last thing to show you is the weekly report. We got all of this data all churning around in here. Unfortunately, I've done it for a few days, so I do have a weekly report for you. Boom yeah it's, even higher 57, is my overall weekly health score. The amount of exercise has not been reached while I haven't put any in there, and I could do that. So I can modify it, I pay attention to rest and sleep and so for and then here's your your breakdown step, theta totals average so forth. Sleep is here heart rate, summary blood pressure, blue. All of it, including fatigue on a weekly summary with a weekly number simple, as that really really fun. So what are we looking at? Oh goodness, let's get the piece of paper back where toss it over. There forgot it's a t1 t1 from baekje over at banggood. These guys are bringing it to us thermometer temperature, ECG weekly report. You saw it all. It comes in different colors, it's 17 dollars, maybe even cheaper, really something. I honestly would recommend you get to play with it to understand some of this technology.
If you haven't gotten into it yet this ECG business and all of that, then this is a great great beginning. It does not have the red diode it's, not gon na, do sleep apnea or Lauren's scatterplots, or any of the thing that the spa v'n blade watch. Does but it's only seventeen dollars good starter thing: the app is phenomenal and all of the possibilities that it presents to you and it's available right now. You got nothing else to do, but just kick back and play right. Okay, thanks for sticking with me, so what you see in the video it's all good stuff, but the price is wrong as long as you wait it out and pick it up in the little window of time, starting in just a few days through, oh about a Month or so, I'll have the specifics.