We are a youtube channel on the web at smartwatchticks.com. That'Ll. Get you right to us inside this box is something new with a different approach to some new technology. This looks like a standard watch except it's, got a little clump of something up on the top, and that thing folks is a thermometer or temperature reader. What is it? It'S called the t01. The bakey t 01 coming to us directly from banggood and they're shipping. Fast again, this one just was ordered about a week ago and it's in here already really decent price check. The show notes down below for a discount i'll give you one if i can get a coupon from them and always check there before you do anything, because we appreciate, if you go through using our link, it helps us get more watches here. Let'S take a little moment to talk about the specs on this watch. It'S got some great stuff and i got a red flag for you. Unfortunately, as i usually do, when um a watch talks about doing ecg, okay, now they're a little bit clearer here, it's talking about ecg plus ppg heart rate monitor now, when you combine ecg and ppg you're supposed to be able to get a little bit more accuracy In your heart rate, however, if you just talk about an ecg chart which this one does um, then you have to look at the tethering app and if the app is fundu, which this one is, and you guys have watched this channel for a while, you know That that ecg is fake, um no way around it.

It'S a fake chart, it's simulated it's, not um, unique to each individual. So if you try to do anything, ecg related and you see the chart on the attached app – remember, it's, fake don't believe that. However, all the other kind of stuff in here is worth taking a look at because they don't mess around with that from what i can tell you got a bunch of different languages, supported um, app language and then the band language itself is a subset of that. It'S ip67 – waterproof it has this thermometer in it. It says it has the ecg and ppg heart rate monitor as well. It does blood pressure, support blood oxygen in this one as well. We'Ll talk a little bit about that as we get to it, because we have a way of assessing accuracy of blood oxygen step count: multi sport pedometer. All the other kind of things are typical. What you find on these watches the g sensor, heart rate sensor in it and, of course, a thermometer it's, a tft 240 by 240 pixel screen and it's a nice attractive design. All in all, definitely would work as a dress watch. So let's take a look at it. We can peel off the plastic cover over whoops. I left a little dot on there, maybe that's a sensor. I uh. I think that that's supposed to be a screen protector. There well can i push the dot away yeah. I did all right.

I have no idea. Um, usually there's a little plastic shipping cover on it, but this one looks like it was on a possible plastic. Uh actual screen protector, so i'm, not gon na peel. Anything else off you saw it was already on that's, pretty amazing. Okay it's been in shipping, so it's standby time is nice and long. There we go let's pop it open and take a look. We have removable bands, we have your optical sensor here for heart rate and you have the metal plates which are typical for ecg. You usually have two plates on the bottom and you touch the case or something like that or a button somewhere and that lets you get the connection electrically. You need for doing ecg, there's, the charging port or connectors, and in here we should have a charging wire. We do and that's a little two pin connector. That goes this way with with uh. No it's got little holes for a guide here, but the guide is not on here so it's magnetically coupled not strong enough to hold it but strong enough to make a connection. Um usb plug it in charge it up and we're good to go. The last thing i want to show you in the unboxing part is the manual which is english on this side. Gives you a thank you for doing it and because it's got this thermometer technology? We'Re going to need to take a look at that now, there's a few different ways of doing thermometers or temperature readings here's, the fondue app it's talking about tethering too we've covered that a whole lot i'm, not going to get into the details of tethering this one And how it works mainly, we want to look at the temperature because that's the unique feature of this.

The body temperature it's talked about right there, and this one requires you to actually hold the probe to your forehead and to me that sounds like well. It might be a little more accurate than the ones that you just plain, wear and there's many many ways of getting temperature and you're going to see lots of bands and watches here on this channel coming up, because now, with the coronavirus running amok temperature is something Everybody is interested in whether you're going to a restaurant or flying on an airplane it's, a critical factor for consideration, so let's dive into the watch and just go through the first uh overview of it. We'Ve got the time display on here. Of course, when it's tethered to your phone it'll be the accurate time setting come down. We'Ve got a few different things: there's brightness, that's, its lowest and it's, got some incremental that's. The brightest it's not really really bright, don't think it would work too well outdoors, but you can see it here on the video battery is full display. Um do not disturb here. You can turn on and bluetooth, of course, that you want to have on when you tether it. Is there another down? Yeah, okay, so it just circles around here. If we press and hold on the watch face, we can change to a couple of different faces. Here'S, a small display of time and circle, showing your date and step count, here's a fancy one with a red stripe running through it notice.

There'S no temperature shown on the screen on the watch face it's, just your basic pedometer stuff, which is usually your calories, burned. Your distance traveled and your step count and then there's that so we got three different watch faces. We went down, we went, we can go up and we get into the app drawer where you've got your overall uh. It looks like daily step count listed here. We just unboxed it so i don't have any information for you looks like we got weather too. If you're tethered to your phone, you can pull in the weather information last night's sleep time would be shown here, and this looks like it may be a chart that it would go into. And then you got sports where you have a few different ones: icon, driven and they're, really soft icons, very colorful, but also very dim, climbing it looked like cycling was there we do have swimming. So this is a waterproof watch when you have swimming as an app to me that says: okay, it's, okay, to take in water and if you get water, intrusion and damage and they claim well, you shouldn't have taken it in water it's like well. Why do you have a swimming app in there then or an option for swimming so, but because it has that and it's rated ip68? I believe we saw then i'd say: okay, um you're good to go for actually using this watch underwater, see it there yeah when we tap.

It gives you a countdown three two one and generally on all of these. If you don't have a gps module, which this one doesn't, then it's calculating uh. Basically your calories burned versus time against some sort of uh, an algorithm that's built into it. I can pause it here. I can stop it there and too little to save so we're. Just out of it okay, then you got weather and again you need to be connected uh. In order for your phone to derive the weather for you, you got messaging here's, heart rate, let's tap that and it should turn on the diodes in the back cover it. With your finger or your wrist, if you have it on your arm and a couple of things, i like to look for on a watch, especially if you might be using it outdoors for exercise how big are the digits and is it white against black? So is it going to be fairly easy to read outside we've got a heart, icon, that's animated here, taking a little longer than normal to get it, and here you go 59, pretty small digits and it is white on black, but the whole watch isn't that bright Overall, so you're going to have a little challenge, seeing that outside now here's the temperature and here's, the ecg i'm, going to tap on the ecg first of all and uh it's, showing you beats per minute and theoretically, what it's doing now is using the electrical plates And the optical to determine what your heart rate is and if i just cover the diodes in here well, it went off so let me resequence that get it going and cover the diodes without touching the electrical plate.

This is my test to find out if it really is using ecg or not, if i'm not touching the electrical plates i'm, not making a circuit, i can't turn on the light bulb right. So if i get a heart rate by just using the optical diodes, then i know ecg has nothing to do with it. If it just stays at zero, then um. I know that uh, it is using the two and, as you can see, not only did it give me a heart rate, but it's bouncing around a little bit. So this one obviously only uses ppg or the diodes for heart rate and the electrical elements are not involved, even though it says ecg i'm sorry gang. I am i'm going to call it out. When i see it, i feel you guys deserve an honest review. Yeah i'm gon na get to that later. We'Ve got blood pressure. Now the thing about uh blood pressure is don't trust the accuracy on any of these watches. Unless you test it against a calibrated cuff and here's blood oxygen spo2, you see that there's green diodes on when it's doing this reading and that's okay uh that's, going to give you a reasonable number. But in all the other devices we've reviewed in the past, we found the ones that have red diodes for this produce a faster and better accuracy in the blood oxygen and since blood oxygen is one of the readings we're.

Looking for when we're assessing possibility of coved 19 health issues, you probably pretty much want to make sure that you've got an accurate blood oxygen reading. So this one can do it and you might use it as a guideline that if it looks like it's too low grab a calibrated instrument or a medical professional that can test it to a better level. You got remote. Camera capability find your phone here, a music player, a timer. It says alipay, but of course that only works in china and it works by using a qr code, you're not going to get into any of that. And then, finally, you got your settings here, which is the sedentary reminder, uh timing, that you can set um reset the watch about it, your qr code for downloading the fondue, app and, of course, powering off the watch if you're gon na put it away for a While and oh it's even got an alarm and a stopwatch, so it's got a lot of different apps built into it. But again the one thing about this, one that i brought it in for is that temperature. So for temperature we are really able to give a good check on whether or not this is accurate, because i've got a couple of devices. This thing called the check me from welu 500 machine here with infrared uh testing for um temperature that's highly accurate used in hospitals, and then i got this puppy that we reviewed a while back way before covet.

Actually, that is a heat sensing element, and you see the temperature here now. I'Ve left them in centigrade, because this is also centigrade. I live in fahrenheit over here, but what the heck i can't change this to fahrenheit, so i'm, going to be stuck with doing everything in centigrade, but we'll check it all out. So the way this works with it on your arm – or, i presume holding it – i guess i should do it. The right way put it on my arm since we're dealing with temperatures there's that little thingy at the top, and that is the temperature sensor on this one and, as the instructions say you're supposed to hold it, either on or close to your forehead now having tested It a little bit, you have to do a calibration first watch me now: hello, come back here, get back down here and touch it. It says it's uh initial calibration right now or in calibration and it's going to vibrate, and then you want to place it close to your forehead, which i'm going to be doing off camera as soon as it vibrates there's this module and there's a front section, and Then a top section and i'm getting a temperature either one so i'm, going to put it with this front section here facing i'm still waiting for it to calibrate there. It goes now. I'Ve got it on my uh forehead. What do i do with my hand? Count seconds one two: my hands always want to be moving: oh it's still going hasn't vibrated, yet aha vibrated there we go 36.

1 centigrade. Now watch this one i'm gon na do the same thing on my forehead: go into temperature it's, giving me instructions about it. Can you see that in the reflected light comes here, i press this button and put it to my forehead and it's, making a little sound and it's coming back with 36.4 well that's, pretty darn close now let's. Take this one and aim it just at my arm. Look at the number down here, it's, where this square is, is what that number is, and my arm is 32.8. The inside of my arm 33.7. I can't show you my forehead per se – hmm, maybe i can maybe i can take a picture of my forehead i'm going to aim it at my forehead as if it were there and i'm going to take a picture press the button, and i think it took A picture yes well: 36.4, 34.9 it's, not showing the middle, but that part of my forehead 36.4 matches up. This was coming in at 36.1. That'S, pretty darn close folks i'm, going to give it a thumbs up on the thermometer section as being uh accurate. But again this one, you have to actually hold it to your forehead in order to get that reading it's, not a continuous operating one that's getting the temperature from your skin. However, it's more likely going to be accurate in this in the way they're going to be doing it at the airports and at the hospitals by you know the little gun that they put at your forehead uh the thermometer reading device.

I shouldn't say that other word and it is getting the temperature from your forehead, so that's the trusted place for taking a reading and they're all coming in within tenths of a degree centigrade of each other, very good. So let's summarize now we're talking about a nice, attractive, dress, watch in a package that includes a thermometer and a bunch of other biometric type. Reading data, heart rate, blood, oxygen, blood pressure, fake ecg and a few little fitness things in here. It'S get some sports last night's sleep time, you can get the weather tethered to your phone and all of that in a rubberized, rubberized there's, a good word rubber, a dice rubber, silicone band with some holes, sweat, proof more or less. So you got kind of the sports, but dressy look all at once and again it is called the t01 a bakey product it's available from banggood and in the show notes check to see if i got a coupon discount for you to get it down below 40 Um, the thermometer is the big thing that goes along with this one, the fact that it's forehead reading and a one time, one time reading when you put it to your forehead, looks like it's calibrated pretty closely to the highly accurate ones. So if you feel you are in the need of a device like that, if you're going to be a business, traveler want to check your own temperature before you go into the check in line for your plane, something like that.

This could be the winner all right.

Bakeey T01 Forehead Temperature IP67 Waterproof Health Smartwatch: Unboxing and 1st Look

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