This is anuj from Gadget Gig.. Today we have with us the Amazfit, GTS, 4 mini smartwatch., And in this video we will do the unboxing and show you how it performs.. So, starting with the unboxing in the front of the box, we have the amazfit branding and the picture of the smartwatch., And here we have the model GTS 4 Mini and its a compact, Powerful health smartwatch.. At this side we have the key features, such as ultra slim and light weight, 1.65inch HD AMOLED display 120 sports modes, and it also supports smart sports recognition and you get the 24 hours heart rate SPo2 and the stress monitoring.. At the back of the box. We can see the companion Zepp is available for both android and ios platform., And here we can see the colour which is the midnight black, and apart from that, this smartwatch is available in a few different colours. Now lets open the box and show you the content.. So here we have our smartwatch itself and you have the tagline UP your game. And guys. My first impression about this watch is: it feels well built and also very light weight.. We will look at the smartwatch in a moment. Lets, see what else we have in the box.. So here we have the user guide, and in this we have the detailed info about the features of this watch., And then we get the charging cable and its magnetic cable, which connects at the back of the watch like this.
, So thats. All we have in the box now lets look at the smartwatch closely. Amazfit, GTS 4 mini, as the name suggests, is a compact smartwatch. And looking at design. We have this compact smartwatch, but with amazing build quality.. I find the design of this watch very good and it doesnt feel cheap at all.. You get the metal body in this watch and also chamfered edges, which gives this watch premium look and feel.. The straps are also of good quality and they feel soft on the wrist. But design wise. I am personally not a fan of this type of strap design, as I find them a little difficult to tie on the wrist. Now in terms of the overview we have. The 1.65 inch HD AMOLED Display – and here we have the curved glass with very minimal bezels on all 4 sides., Though the size of the display is not that small, but the overall form factor of this smartwatch makes it suitable for the smaller wrist size people or For females. Now, looking at the side, we have the function button with the amazfit branding. And at the back we have the sensors, and here we have the heart rate sensor, along with the charging points. And guys. Here we have the mic for alexa. Now lets turn it on and pair it with our phone.. So for pairing we need the app zepp, which is my favourite companion, app for a smartwatch., And the pairing process is really simple.
. Just go to the add device section and scan the qr code and thats it.. Your smartwatch is now ready to use. And guys when we connected the watch for the first time we got the firmware update.. So here it is updated. Now lets go through the menu.. So here we are on the watch face and upon long pressing, you can switch between different watch faces. By default. You get two watch faces in this watch, but you can add more through the companion, app. Swiping down from the top shows you the quick settings, and here we have the brightness torch, dnd lock and on the next page we have the theatre mode always screen on Find phone and the settings of the watch. TO access the notification history, you would need to swipe up from the bottom. And when you swipe Left from the right side, you have quick apps such as activity status, heart rate weather and so on.. There is also a widget page, which you can access by swiping right from the left side. To access the main menu. You would need to press the crown button., And here we have the main menu. And guys. I am sure you might have noticed it already by now that the touch response of this watch is really good and there is no lag in the menu. And the UI feels quite smooth., So in the menu first we have the PAI, which shows you a score Based on your fitness activities.
, And then we have the heart rate and guys. The detection in this watch is very fast and the data is also accurate. And the same thing we have noticed with the spo2 monitoring.. There is one more option we have here and like the GTS 3, we have the one tap measurement, and here it measures the stress heart rate and the spo2 all at one page.. After that, we have the Workout and in this watch you get 120 sports modes and they are also neatly categorised. And also guys. This watch comes with built in gps, so this means you will have more info about the altitude pace and so on, while running and cycling.. Next we have the workout history, and here you can see the history of your workouts.. After that, we have the workout status, and here you can see the training load, vo2max and full recovery time. After that in the menu we have. The stress monitoring and this watch supports all day – stress monitoring., Then in the menu we have the activity, and here you can see your step count and other fitness data of the current day.. Then in the menu we have the sleep, and here it will show you the last nights, sleep data., Then in the menu we have the weather, and here you can see the current weather condition and also the forecast for the day.. You also get some more details in regards to the current weather and also forecast for upcoming few days.
. Next, we have the Music, and here you can control the music on your phone and also increase or decrease the volume.. After that we have the alarm Calendar and the settings. In the settings first watch face and time settings, and here you can select the watch and set the time and date format. After that in the settings we have the display, and here we have the brightness and Guys about the brightness, you get the auto brightness in this watch. And then we have the screen on time and the Always on display settings.. Here you can select the always on display style or keep it to follow. The watch face. Then in the settings. Wake on wrist raise, which is the raise to wake and it works perfectly., And you can also turn off the display by covering the display with your palm and also you get the double tap to wake up the screen option.. After that, we have the screen on upon notification: option which turns on the display when you get any alert on the watch.. After that, we have the vibration, settings. Workout settings, and here you can turn on the auto sport detection, but guys this will consume more battery., And in this you can select the type of sports modes which you want. The watch to auto recognize.. After that, we have a few more settings, such as DND off wrist, lock and the long press side button shortcut app. By default, its the alexa.
And guys talking about the alexa more. It works very well and the response time is very less.. So there is no speaker in this watch, so you get the response through the text only. Then in the settings we have the app list and widget settings and also the alexa and watch language option. And then finally, we have the system settings which includes the usual Power off reset and the restart option. Now coming back to the menu, there is also a more menu, and in this first we have the sun moon, which shows you, the sunrise and sunset timings, and also the moonrise and moonset timings.. After that, we have the Compass, and Then we have the cycle tracking for females, and then we have the breath by which you can do breathing exercises.. Then we have the stopwatch countdown with some preset timers and find a phone which plays a loud tone on your phone.. And after that we have the world clock, which you sync through the app and then we have the TO do. List. Pomodoro timer for better focus., And then we have the camera remote to remotely control the camera on your phone.. But you need to enable this through the app and it works with the native camera app of your phone., So guys thats, all the features we have in the watch and, to be honest, this watch is feature rich and you get all the premium and essential features In this watch.
There is also one more thing which i must mention here – that you have the mini apps support in this watch, and with this you can download more apps in the watch through the companion app such as this calculator, and here it is installed on The watch. Now about the companion app, i have covered the zepp app many times in our previous videos of amazfit watches. So today i will be only showing you, the main features., So the home page shows you all the fitness data and then we have the device. Page. – And here we have the connected device. In the settings, we have the health monitoring, and here you can enable the auto heart rate, monitoring, assisted sleep monitoring and also sleep, breathing quality monitoring which will give you better sleep tracking information.. After that, we have the auto dress monitoring, as well as the auto Spo2 monitoring.. Then in the settings we have the notifications and reminders., And here we have the incoming call alert and in this you can set the incoming call alert settings and also you can manage preset replies from here. And talking about it. Here is how you get the call alert, so you can silent the call or reject the call., And also you can send preset replies when you swipe up., And here is how you get the app alert and guys you dont get the preset replies for social media, But you do get emoji support.
, Then in the settings we have the watch face store, and here we have the available cloud based watch faces and they are also neatly categorised.. After that, we have the app store, and as mentioned earlier, you can install mini apps from here on to your watch.. Then we have the watch settings and here you have settings related to display and brightness sound and vibration, and so on. After that we have the alexa settings and from here you can set up your alexa by logging in with your amazon account.. So overall, the Amazfit GTS 4 mini is a compact, yet a powerful smartwatch.. You are getting a good design. Smartwatch and the build quality is definitely very good.. The fitness data is accurate and the sleep tracking is one of the best we have tested in a smartwatch.. The watch is very comfortable to wear and due to its compact design and lightweight, it feels very good on the wrist.. But again this watch is more suitable for people with smaller wrist size or for females.. Now the main question is: if its worth buying. So guys at Rs. 7999, we think the Amazfit GTS 4 mini is priced slightly on the higher side and At Rs.9999 you can get the GTS 2 and at 5999 you can get the Original GTS, which offers somewhat Similar options., No doubt the GTS 4 mini, is a very good smartwatch, but we think it should be priced at around 6000 Rupees.
. And if you are not in a hurry, then we recommend you to wait for some deals and offers on this smartwatch. And also as usual, if you like it and want to buy the watch right now then do check the buy link in the description below.. So thats it guys this was the unboxing Review of the Amazfit GTS 4 mini smartwatch.. Let us know if you like it and also do tell us if you have queries or questions about this smartwatch in the comments section below. So thats all for now. If you like this video, then please press the like button and subscribe to our channel gadget gig for more videos like this.