I have several amaze fit watches currently still rocking out with this bad boy right here, the gtr ii, and then i also have the amaze fit bip? U, which is another awesome, watch uh, but here is the gts 2 mini now i’m, really hoping that this watch, you know kind of, hangs in and and really uh lines up well with the other performance that i’ve gotten from the other amaze fit watches. This has just been one of the best experiences i’ve ever had on a smart watch for either watch that i’ve purchased or brought in of all the watches. I have this. One is really stu. The amazefit watches are extremely smooth, so uh and i purchased a lot of watches in my day i’m telling you and these maze fits, are really good. They may not have the longest battery life of like a month or something like that, but they’re really good. So today, we’re going to crack this open here and we’re going to get this thing fired up for you now. This is again the amaze fit gts2 mini comes in several colors, be sure to check the link in the description to grab yours uh. This has estimated 14 days of battery life, uh and it’s got 70 plus sports modes that you can work out when it has a blood, oxygen level, measure, heart rate, sleep and stress level monitoring. Now this is the sage uh green, and you guys know why i picked up the sage green uh.
If you don’t know you should know – and here is the manuals here, let’s read these real quick. You guys ready five, four three, two one, oh the matrix. We got that all figured out now. I know everything about the watch. Uh in here is going to be the same type of uh charging cable for this, like the other ones. It has like this weird charger right here and i have a few of those, so no need to even mess with that, but let’s get to the watch, which is what i’m highly anticipating, because i’m excited for this watch. Let’S get it open here. I can’t wait to use this and oh boy that sage green let’s just marvel at the beautiful hardware on this thing: real fast wow now this is called the gts mini and look at that sage, green i’ll put it next to my sage. I want it to sage green, obviously because of the sage green pixel, so this is sorta sage, and this is sage, so that shows you the difference in the colors there. I really like just looking at the hardware first, i really like this silver around here. I think this is absolutely beautiful. This is just great. I mean this is fantastic. This is a great looking watch on the back here, it’s kind of weird, with the um color of the green there uh the back is it’s plastic, so it’s, a weird um, it’s kind of like a shiny, would have been cool to have that as a flat.
Color uh, but we’re gon na power. This on here right there there’s the qr code, so i’m gon na go ahead and get this set up. Let’S go ahead and go into the zep app because you’ll need the zep app is how you you’ll, monitor. Uh yourself with these, so let’s go in here and let’s. Add a watch and let’s hope that this one is available, scan the qr code and it’s pairing. The watch now it’ll probably tell me that’s gon na unpair, this watch. I like the the process of doing this. I think this is just crazy, nice, and so then it tells you you can accept the pairing request yes and it’s binding, and i think this is really cool. Let’S turn on wi fi get some wi fi going here, successfully, bind and then wow. Okay, so let’s activate the new new device it’s going to activate it boom. It is activated – and it is just like that folks it’s, going to restore all the things on the watch and just while it’s doing that in the background right there look at this beautiful display here i just love the amaze fit software it’s, just great and we’re Gon na walk through it too man uh. This is buttery smooth, um software, so we’ve got a software update, that’s already coming in and that’s the one thing: every software every watch that i’ve gotten this amaze fit. They instantly um give you a a software update, because i don’t know if it’s been sitting for a minute or it’s just that it’s brand new and they want to get you up to date right away.
But i won’t bore you with sitting here for this to update it. Doesn’T take very long, but i’ll go ahead and um uh get this. Let this do its thing and transmit to the watch, and just while i was doing that before i stopped the video for a second look at just how beautiful this is and let’s also give you a size comparison with the amaze fit dip. You can see the amaze fit bib here. You can see the differences in how they look and shape like you see how they look and how they shape and how they kind of differ. This, the the um gts ii, uh mini uh, has more of a kind of rounded shape on the corners. This also has a maze fit branding on the front here, and the gts2 does not – and this is what i was talking about on the back with the matte feel here. This is kind of a matte feel on here, and this is a shiny material and these bands are. These. Bands are definitely interchangeable. So if i wanted to put a black switch, these bands out, i definitely could, but i definitely like these sage and then you can see here, just the the overall look and how close these are. This is this just looks a little bit more elegant because of the silver around there uh but other than that man. This is a very nice addition to the collection and now we’re going to go ahead and take off the gtr 2 and just for giggles, just kind of show you the difference in size.
If you are wondering how big these all are next to each other, you can kind of see it there. Absolutely fantastic smart watches and the software is absolutely great. The gtr is just one of the most amazing watches that i have ever used and i have a ton of watches folks. When i tell you i have a lot of watches before i stop the video. Let me just dig in one of my drawers here and grab just a chunk and i don’t have just a bunch of cheap watches. Either i’ve got some fantastic watches and here’s some of them right here and he obviously you know, i have the apple watch. You know just just a bunch: this ticwatch pro right here is what’s what 350? I think it was it’s the lte model too, and then obviously i have this bad boy right here uh. This is another great watch, and so is this one. This is kind of in line with the gtr uh watches, but uh anyway, let’s get them out of here. Let’S get back to it. I know you guys are going to start asking what jay, which watch is that? Which watch is that so i’m going to go ahead and stop the video, because this thing has approximately two minutes left and then i’m gon na put this on charger. While it’s doing this, and then i will be right back i’m just in awe about how beautiful this watch looks in person, it is absolutely beautiful man that is a beautiful, looking watch all right guys so in this next part of the video i’ve actually been wearing.
This for a little over three hours, probably since i did the first part of the video – and i want to go ahead and tell you that the comfort and feel of this watch is absolutely great. You’Ll see that i’ve got more steps and i got some actual steps in there now. Let me put it on here. I took it off right before the video started, but i put it back on. I like the comfort of the band uh. It just feels really good. Ladies uh. This will be really good for you. Uh you’ll you’ll, really like this it’s, still a pretty big screen on here uh. But, ladies, i think you’ll like this. This watch uh and fellas. You will too the maze fitbit. U is pretty much the same size, so you can see how that looks, and then the big boy here uh more of a male type watch. I i guess a person would say obviously it’s still. It still feels good and it’s light and thin. Just as this is just a smaller, smaller watch for sure, so the comfort and feel fantastic. Now messages are down here. You swipe up i’ll, show you how it looks when messages come in. I was doing some test messages from my other account. Um i’ll just send a message here. Let’S get this to saying here: okay kind of text with one hand there you go so you’ll see a message pop up on here.
You can see it’s coming from my verizon account, says what’s good son, and so then i can call and i’ll be able to reject it or send it to voicemail so reject it says swipe to reply with a sms. So if i swipe like that, i can say i’ll call you later i get busy right now whatever or i can just reject the call or send it to voicemail so swipe up and you get to do sms real fast, real, brief and you’re good to go. Uh, if you have a bluetooth now you can’t talk on the watch. You can’t answer and talk on the watch uh. But if you have a bluetooth in like most people do or they have their phone or whatever you’re good, to go so that’s how that works. So swiping left to right puts you in the loop literally, so you can see the weather, my music if it was playing now here’s my steps here’s, my heart rate, blood, oxygen level, haven’t checked that yet stress level normal, thank goodness uh in my pie. For today. Uh, the in the weather and then again this one, so you go into a loop like that. So when you swipe down you get your settings menu now. This is exactly the same as the amaze fitbit view. Obviously, they’re going to be very similar same thing in here, but when you get over to this guy right here, obviously this is a more advanced watch.
You got two two pages on here and you got more more to deal with on there so um. I think that’s to be known by you. I think you should know that so um navigating the watch is super easy. I don’t think you’ll have a problem with navigating this watch it’s their their menu is very nice and we’re gon na look at um we’re gon na look at the um faces here now, so we’ll long press and we’ll see uh. Now this button right here. Let me go, let me show you something here go into settings. This is how you get into the settings. So you can go to the watch face from here. Screen off watch face. You can do watch face style. You can follow the current watch face if it has one you can do analog or digital. So if i go back here, it’s enabled let’s see if this one has one. This is just a watch face that was up here. It looks like this one might not have one so, but you do want to follow the watch face uh i always do follow. The watch face. Uh that um it has so follow. Current watch face is what i always do so this watch face. Doesn’T have one and i’ll install one uh that has one but you’ve got your screen off auto screen off your screen, lock settings things like this: you can enable this. If you want to you, want to do a screen, lock, lift notifications, lift on notifications.
All these are light up on notifications. All these are just system preferences, so let’s get into the actual watch faces and let’s see what came on here, because i didn’t install anything yet – and these are oh that’s dope. Oh, that is dope right there. Folks, i really like that that is just in your face pop up boom. This is this. Is dope let’s see if this one has anything on here, because i’ve seen some of the ones that are on the amaze fit uh watch default? They don’t have any like uh, always on display um, but i’ll install one. This is a. This is a nice one right here, man, this is nice. You got your calories, your steps, your battery and your your heart rate over here, really nice, really nice i’m liking that you can, when you see the little arrow, the little blue icon at the bottom, our purple blue icon, you can customize it that’s what that means. So we’re gon na go here. I’M gon na take this off. I’Ll sit it right here, i’m gon na get into the app and we’re gon na get some watch faces and it syncs up really well man it syncs up great. I mean you just go to enjoy and go to watch faces and then now it’s gon na you’re gon na see all these different watch faces that are, that can go with this watch and i think that’s just the best thing ever son this.
These are the top three and you got all these different ones in here, that’s dope, right there too. This one is really nice too, not enough information on that uh spinning space, but it is nice it’s, another good one. Oh this is this – is pretty clean right here, that’s a nice one. I like that. I mean you seems like every time. I click on a watch face more interesting ones, just pop up with it as well steps fat, burning, that’s, pretty dope. This is a this. Is a nice one. I’Ll save this one to my favorites and let’s. Go back and i’ve got this one on all the watches that i’m right there and let’s see here these are. This is crazy right here. This look at this one like a tv man. This is dope right here. Man just let’s, save that with too man. That is crazy. Nice. You got some some basic digital looking ones here. This is a nice one. I think i have this one on the other watch too, so i’ll save that one, because i think that one has its own. Oh, this is this is nice. This is nice, let’s sink that one that’s dope, because you know that color, you know the lime green. If you’ve been following me long enough enough years, you know that the lime, green and gray is the one man so it’s downloading and it’s going to appear over here. You can see it says: Music watch faces going through synchronizing and it’s completing soon, and this is the process that it takes when it’s doing some.
Some of these watch faces zip over really fast watch face synchronize, oh son, that is beautiful. I could stay in this. The store with the watch faces like all day there’s, just so many of them that it’s just incredibly nice man to know that these are right here on the on the watch, and i really like this one man, because you got your gold. This is for active lifestyle right here, because it’s called the runners or something like that a city run, but i mean i won’t bore you too much with going through all these watch faces because you, if you’ve been following me, you know that i genuinely like all The watch faces in there pretty much and they’re all free, so that’s a walkthrough and a first look at this. Just fantastic smartwatch man. This this thing is just so beautiful and again i went outside so i put my case on, but this is sort of sage, and this is sage dopeness dopeness i mean i, i am just loving – the amaze fit lineup man. Obviously you know their software is super nice man, these work with ios android uh, because there was lots of questions about. Oh, does it work? But if you see my initial video, i hooked it to my iphone 12 mini the amaze fitbit. U and then i use. I use all of them on the iphone 12 mini as a matter of fact, but this is the follow uh.
The second half of the video hope you guys enjoyed as details. I can possibly get leave any questions down below this thing is a like. My man made flaw say this is a major major, major major major goal. Man. This thing is on point right here: son i love it and for the price man you can’t go wrong, there’s a lot of smart watches out there. I want to try another smart watch that costs 20 bucks. I don’t think it’s gon na be as good as this, but we shall see uh. You know what i’m talking about, but this one right here with that watch face. I love it. Son it’s, your man, j, hope you guys enjoyed and i’ll see you in the next one.