, Which is very accurate and beautiful too, And it is for both males and females., Because It is an Amazfit smartwatch, Just kidding The name fits, But this smartwatch is quite exciting. And I have been using this watch for Almost one week. With my primary watch, I will tell you all about it. What are the pros and cons of this phone, And Is this smartwatch worth it or not Quickly, guys. I will also show you the box.. It looks premium. And It doesnt look cheap or duplicate in appearance. I mean The design is decent.. There is some branding too. Powered by ZEPP OS. It is slightly exciting.. I will tell you about it in detail. And GTR Mini Other features. Everything is written, here. And, of course, Here you will get a charging cable. Through this. You can charge this smartwatch wirelessly. Back to the watch guys.. Here I will tell you about some of the designs.. By the way you can see that the watch looks premium.. You get stainless steel casing all around here., It looks good too. And due to this, the durability of the watch also becomes better.. There is a single menu button., Which is customizable too, And Here you also get a 2.5D Curved Glass.. Here you get Glazed finishing on the back., Which again feels a bit smooth, Not a very rough texture. It will not harm your skin in the slightest. And The strap is also made of silicon.
, And it is a very soft silicon strap. And ever since I started wearing this Honestly, I didnt feel like this. Even once. Like Right now The summer is starting here., Even if you have to sweat on your hand, you will not feel that you are getting itching from this watch. And it is too lightweight.. You can consider it one of the lightest watches.. Another plus part of this strap is the design. With the body. As you can see in this watch Yeah. It is a rugged watch., But this watch is only for males., Especially if you want to buy a female oriented watch Thats why you have to get a watch with a smaller dial.. This strap is getting completely folded, here. Thats, why this watch fits quite easily, both males and females. Thats, why I told you in the beginning. Thats why it is Amazfit. was just kidding. Quite a unique design is visible. Here. Now guys Lets talk about the display.. This display is also quite excellent. On the size. It is a 1.28 inches display. And it is an AMOLED display with HD resolution. And its PPI is 326.. The colors are very sharp and accurate., And here you will not see any pixelation problem., So you can consider it amongst the best display watch.. You may find the bezels a bit big here., But generally you get to see similar bezels in a rounded watch.. If you want slim bezels, you should go with a square watch.
Which looks not premium. There is a 2.5D curved display. Thats. Why here you will get an excellent experience in navigation. Right now. It is on full brightness.. So you can guess what the brightness of this watch is. Here you also get the support of Auto brightness.. It automatically adjusts according to the screen and ambient light.. If you want you can use it manually.. I have used it only in Auto mode during the review. Period. And about the software guys. Here only proprietary software works. For the Amazfit, It is ZEPP OS 2.O. It is simple and fluid., And it is quite easy to use. Here. You will see all the menu options by pressing a single button. And There are dedicated shortcuts for all the features here., For example, To go to the Settings To go to the Calendar Clock Stopwatch. You can use whatever you want.. Also. Its navigation feature is too easy., And here I did not feel the lag at all. Notifications also come here very well., And here you can also reply very easily. Here. You can see a lot of Emojis which you can use. Here. You will also find your App store. At the moment. I see a simple set of applications since it is new., But whatever new applications will come in the future, they will automatically be added to this App store.. Here you get a lot of Watchfaces. On watch At the moment You can apply four to five Watchfaces.
, But you can also change many Watchfaces here by connecting this watch to the phone.. Here you get a Dual Core CPU.. By the way you cant do any speed test on the watch., But as far as I used it., I havent encountered any problems here yet., But I found an advantage in this CPU. I found the battery backup to be excellent.. According to the company, you can get battery backup here from seven days to twenty days.. This mileage can vary. based on usage In my heavy usage Like A lot of notifications, Twitter Or whatever notifications keep coming. In that condition. Its battery lasted for six days. With Bluetooth. Always connected to phone And sometimes on auto And sometimes on full brightness, I mean In outdoor activities with the workout everything Its battery lasted for six days.. That means You will get a battery backup of at least seven days.. But if you are a moderate user, you can get a battery backup of up to 20 days. On the health features. Here you get the feature of measuring 24X7 heart rate, blood, oxygen and stress., And the best part here is that. Here. All three data can be measured simultaneously within fifteen seconds. In just one tap. Like You are watching now., whatever data has come just now, Everything in it has come at the exact same time. The rest, All the health measures like Sleep Mensuration cycle for the females distance callories, You can measure all those things.
And even on the sleep data Here, you can see all the data properly. like deep during the sleep. What is your heart rate going on? What was the breathing quality So Here the Health data is excellent. And almost Whatever you want For the health purpose. With this watch, you can extract almost everything accurately. To pair the watch with the phone you need to install Zepp App., And This application is also quite simple and accurate. Like You can also see all health data in front.. You can see all the Amazfit watches here which you have connected previously with this app.. You can also see all those things here.. There are different goals and routine features given here., And here you can track different sports activities., And here you can get all that functionality.. The best part of this watch is that here you get the feature of built in GPS. And it is nearly 100 accurate. Here. The patented Circular positioning GPS has been used. By this. You can track your activity without carrying the phone. Like You will not have to depend only on the phone., Because no active connection is required from Bluetooth. Here You can extract all the data here by wearing the watch. Generally, you do not get GPS in budget watches. Because it is done by software. So the phone is needed. Here it will work with hardware.. It is too slim.. You will not have any problem wearing it. And Here sensors have been used of excellent quality.
, Like Whatever data you extract. You can consider it to be almost accurate. Theres, a GPS too. So for the fitness purpose You dont have to rely on the phone.. Its display is super excellent.. Its battery is excellent. Too.. The only small drawback here is that there is no mic or speaker provided here.. That means Here you cannot have a conversation through a watch. But other features, For example Notifications to reply Here. You get all the features., You will get the intimation of the call., But you cant talk from here., So thats it for the Amazfit GTR Mini.. You will get its purchase link in the description.. You can buy this watch quite easily.. Thank you so much.. I hope you enjoyed this video.