F6 Buying link (Banggood): ( $98.99 coupon:641a5c )
This F6 smartwatch has been provided by Banggood for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Banggood for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this F6 smartwatch, please use the link listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
Tethering app:
WiiWatch2 –
Easy link to WiiWatch 2 tutorial Video:
TenFifteen has entered the Android 7.1.1 Android smartwatch game with an attractive totally flat face 4G device. The watch looked great and worked great as I was setting it up with a handful of apps and some custom faces. Then, suddenly, overnight, it stopped working and I couldn’t boot it up again. I figured the battery must have given out. I took it apart and checked the connection and couldn’t find the problem. Well, it’s a one-off failure and not at all indicative of this particular model or the TenFifteeen company. So rather than wait to try and get another one, knowing it would like just like all the other Android 7.1.1 watches reviewed here, I elected to use this one as a demo of what’s inside and do a limited teardown for you.
Have a look and let me know if you’re game to go further and really rip this watch apart to its bare bones and examine each part. It will totally destroy the watch (as of now the watch can be reassembled). I’m not inclined to go that far unless you guys really want me to, so let me know in the show notes.
See the full teardown of the F6 here: (not planned unless theres interest)
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SMARTWATCH RESOURCE CENTER: Compare Android watch features and specs, look up the appropriate tethering app for many different watches, check out various recommended apps for Android smartwatches, see common Android watch FAQs, and more. Visit the updated DTNO.1 Sponsored “Smartwatch Resource Center” here: tinyurl.com/AndroidWatches
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