Gionee has launched its new Smart ‘Life’ Watch in the GBuddy portfolio of wearables and accessories in India. The trendy smartwatch targeted towards millennials and Gen Z only comes at Rs 2,999 on Flipkart. It is touted to offer many activity-based features that include 24 hours real-time monitoring of heart rate, calorie meter, fitness, health and multi-sport activity tracking.
The Gionee Smart ‘Life’ Watch supports fitness and workout regimes that tracks walking, running, cycling, trekking, playing indoor or outdoor sports. It will enable you to add and track your fitness schedule and daily regime on a real time basis using the G Buddy application, noted Gionee India in a press statement on Thursday. The Gionee Smart ‘Life’ Watch will be available in Black color starting September 14 on Flipkart.
?? ⌚ [Hindi] Gionee G Buddy Smartwatch Unboxing & Hands on review specifications, Price in India